Our Vision
Our vision is to be a growing vibrant church, rooted in Christ, that reaches out and serves the whole community.
The PCC has spent time working on our vision for the future. Needless to say it is grounded in the priorities that we believe that Jesus wants for His church and it seeks to build on the work done in the past years.
We have arrived at a Vision Statement which is shared by the whole Team. It is:
Our vision is to be a growing vibrant church, rooted in Christ, that reaches out and serves the whole community. The PCC has reviewed our work in different areas and are seeking to bring in some initiatives in the new year. We will seek to build on our ministry through the men’s, ladies and family breakfasts and continue to work on our community involvement with initiatives like Warm Space and INSPIRE.
This year we are focusing on improving what we do with families. We have recently appointed a Children and Families Worker, we run ‘Messy Church, After School Clubs, Sunday Kids’ Club and a monthly informal service.
We are also extending the Pastoral Care Team. Is God calling you to be involved in any of these areas? If you think He might be, come and chat and pray about it with the clergy.

We extend a special welcome to those who are single, married, divorced, widowed, straight, gay, confused, well-heeled or down at heel. We especially welcome wailing babies and excited toddlers.
We welcome you whether you can sing like Pavarotti or just growl quietly to yourself. You’re welcome here if you’re ‘just browsing,’ just woken up or just got out of prison. We don’t care if you’re more Christian than the Archbishop of Canterbury, or haven’t been to church since Christmas ten years ago.
We extend a special welcome to those who are over 60 but not grown up yet, and to teenagers who are growing up too fast. We welcome keep-fit mums, football dads, starving artists, tree-huggers, latte-sippers, vegetarians, junk-food eaters. We welcome those who are in recovery or still addicted. We welcome you if you’re having problems, are down in the dumps or don’t like ‘organised religion.’ (Everyone has reservations in some way.)
We offer a welcome to those who think the earth is flat, work too hard, don’t work, can’t spell, or are here because granny is visiting and wanted to come to the church.
We welcome those who are inked, pierced, both or neither. We offer a special welcome to those who could use a prayer right now, had religion shoved down their throat as kids or got lost and wound up here by mistake. We welcome pilgrims, tourists, seekers, doubters… and you!