Home Groups

Meet with others from the church to pray together, to study together, and to get to know each other more, make new friends, support each other. Refreshments served, of course! You are very welcome to join any group. Please contact Drew or Billie on 01993 846996 for more information.

Tuesday Afternoons – 1.30pm with Lyndsay at Mike Watts’ house

Tuesday Evenings – 7.30pm in church led by Allister Holt

Wednesday evenings – 7.00pm with Rev. Barry (07949 654988)

(Usually) 1st Wednesday of the month, Men’s Bible Study – 7.30pm

In Black Bourton Jeremy Lane, will be leading a short Bible study in the church on Wednesdays at 5 p.m. and will last about 45 minutes. These sessions have proven to be very popular and interesting so do come along if you can.

Note: we are a Benefice and people from any parish are welcome to join any of the home groups.