Who’s Who

Getting in Touch

The church office is staffed on Monday mornings. 
See the contact page for phone and email information.

Rev Barry Hanson – Associate Priest

Barry  is the interim Associate Priest, leading the Benefice during the search for a new Team Rector.  He moved here from Australia as an adventure many years ago, and has enjoyed himself so much that he’s stayed on! Previously, Barry worked as an IT teacher/Head of Faculty in secondary education. 

Mrs Lyndsay Baker – Licensed Lay Minister

Lyndsay is a Licensed Lay Minister.  Having retired from a career in midwifery, Lyndsay has dedicated her time to serving at ​St John’s and St Britius.  She is passionate about leading and encouraging prayer in creative ways, and also enjoys helping others to explore where God is currently working in their lives, as a trained Spiritual Director.  

Mr Gary Long – Children & Families Minister

Gary is one our Children and Families Members, currently on extended leave. He was commissioned on April 27 2020. He is passionate about bringing the good news of God’s love to everyone, but especially reaching out to the young at heart. He also has a great collection of extreme shirts!

Wend Smith – Assistant Children and Families Minister

Wend came to faith as a child at St John’s and last summer recommitted her baptism vows in a full immersion ceremony. Wend is passionate about establishing a fully inclusive, loving community both within the church and in society. She cares deeply about protecting the environment and loves her dogs. She describes herself as a slightly crazy nerd!

Ms Alison Brown – Churchwarden

Alison has been a member of St John’s for just over 10 years. She works in Oxford as a nurse and caring for people is at the heart of what she does. In 2017 God called her to join a mission group to Zambia, to a remote hospital, with a team of two other nurses, where she was able to offer help and support.

Mr Allister Holt – Churchwarden

​Allister is joined by Alison as Churchwarden this year.  Allister had a long career serving in the Fire Service, and moved with his family to Carterton in 2017 and has served as Churchwarden for a year. 

Mrs Linda Wooloff – PCC Secretary

Linda Wooloff

Linda is the Parish Secretary and looks after all the background administration for the PCC, bookings and notice sheets. Without her we would fall apart!