What’s on in September
2nd: Garden clearance … help fill the skip from 9.00am
3rd: Family Fun Afternoon (4.00pm-6.00pm)
6th: Warm Space begins again, every Wednesday (10.30am – 12.30pm)
9th: Ladies Breakfast (8.30am) / Ride & Stride Event
13th & 27th: INSPIRE (2.00pm-4.00pm)
16th: Men’s Breakfast (8.00am for 8.30am)
19th: Tuesday Home Group meetings resume in church
23rd: Clothes Swap Shop (10.00am-12.00pm)
24th: Pet Blessing service (10.30am)
25th: PCC Meeting (7.45pm)
30th: Benefice Harvest Lunch at the Chequers—contact Rossie on 842418 or email rossie.sewell@gmail.com to book, and
Catered Harvest Supper (6.30pm for 7.00pm) at St John’s. Look out for sign-up sheet.