What’s on in May
Don’t forget our new Coffee, Cake & Chat Mornings on 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 10.00am to 11.30am, running until August
3rd: Prayer Ministry Training (7.30pm) & each following Wednesday until 31st May
6th: Screening of the Coronation Service
7th: Bring & Share Picnic after the service in the Rectory Garden
13th: Ladies’ Breakfast @ 8.30am
10th: Men’s Bible Study (7.30pm @ 29 Scholars Acre)
10th: INSPIRE (2.00pm-4.00pm)
14th: Annual Church Meetings @ 12 noon
14th: Creativity Space (4.00pm)
17th: Monthly Prayer Meeting (1.30pm) in St John’s
20th: Men’s Breakfast @ 8.00am for 8.30am
22nd: PCC Meeting @ 7.45pm
24th: INSPIRE (2.00pm-4.00pm)
June 3rd: Repair Café (10 – 12.30pm)