What’s on in January
Find a Warm Space here: every Wednesday (10.30am—1.30pm) offering
a warm place with a homemade soup lunch

7th: Ladies Breakfast (8.30am) – look out for the sign up sheet
11th: Men’s Bible Study @ 29 Scholar’s Acre (7.30pm)
11th: INSPIRE (2.00—4.00pm)
13th: Pickleball Evening (7.00pm) —fun for all with a curry— sign-up
21st: Men’s Breakfast (8.00am for 8.30)
25th: INSPIRE (2.00—4.00pm)
28th: Burn’s Night Supper (7.00 for 7.30pm) Make sure you sign up for this, it’s very popular!
30th: PCC Meeting