Clergy Meetings
Please remember that these are summaries of our meetings. Ideas are discussed, but not everything mentioned here will happen. Things change. Note that anything confidential will not appear on this page.
Ministry Team and Benefice Churchwardens meeting 1st July 2024
Drew, Barry, Wend, Billie, Lene, Ian, Carol, Allister, Alison, Rossie
Mike Watts (item 1 only)
Apologies: Lyndsay, Phil
1. Church Suite update. We now have 7 of the 9 modules. 253 names in the address book. As well as Church members this includes those with a social connection such as Inspire and Men’s Ministry. 54 children are in a separate database and 10 small groups are on the system. Mike is working on Rotas and Planning for August onwards. Mike, Phil and Lawrence Clarke are admins. Rotas in Church Suite will show readings too. Individual Church calendars are being linked into the main benefice calendar. Bookings will be recorded on but not made through the CS system. The Benefice website has the joint calendar and info about My Church Suite app to everyone in the churches.
2. Baptism administration for St John’s is being handed over from Billie to Rossie, who already has that role for St Britius. Rossie’s landline 01993 843418 or her email address should be used for new enquiry contact. Lene will continue to handle the baptisms for St Mary’s.
3. Inspire – Linda Cox is taking on the kitchen role, with support from Gary and Sean. Peter and Marygrace will deal with set up and take down, with help from Richard. Barry will arrange activities and bring a Bluetooth speaker. Phil Mansell will bring his hymn playing system.
4. Pastoral Care co-ordination is being taken on by Jackie Thomas. Carol is meeting her this week to hand over.
5. Sing and Praise – the monthly Saturday afternoon sessions are to continue. Linda Cox will take that forward, with support from John on audio visual desk. It was noted that future sessions need to be put on the Church calendar.
6. Death Café has been a great success. A good number of people have asked Billie to pass their contact details on to Christian Counsellor Mary Hopper who spoke at the final session. Mary will be running a follow-up course on grief at a venue TBA from September.
7. Barry has drafted the worship plan from August to December. Midnight Mass arrangements are still to be finalised. Lene is checking on Mark Thomas’s availability. Area Dean Margaret Dixon has found cover for Barry’s August holiday. Margaret will also attend the joint PCCs’ Away Day at Church House Oxford on 28th September.
8. Barry is meeting with the Brize Meadow Care Home management to agree the way forward, as attendance at services has been patchy.
17-06-2024 Ministry Meeting notes
Drew & Billie, Ian & Carol, Barry, Wend & Lyndsay
Monday 10am MM whole team noon CCC lunch club Barry & Wend 2pm Nurture group @ St. Mary’s Witney – Lyndsay
Tuesday 9am Morning prayer @ Witney – Lyndsay 9.30-noon Bible study & Strategic planning @ Witney -Lyndsay 4-5 K. Club & 5.15-6.15 O.K. club Wend & Kath M
Welcome Wednesday 10-11.30 CC&C – Billie 10am Meeting with Anna Chaplin lead in Witney – Lyndsay 11am Eucharist @ Witney – Lyndsay 11.30am St. J’s School SIAM visit – Drew 2pm Drew & Lyndsay meeting 4-5pm KClub – Wend & Nicki Witt 7pm HC @BN – Drew 7.30pm AB Church Wardens swearing in @ St. Mary’s Banbury – Barry & Lyndsay
Thursday Wend & Lyndsay Day off 10.30am HC St. J’s Drew 2.45pm St. J’s School assembly – Barry 7.30pm music group & singing practice St. J’s
Friday Drew & Billie Day off 9am Morning prayer @ Witney – Lyndsay 9-10.30am Drop in – Liz, Wend and team & possibly Lyndsay
Saturday 10am Death Café – Grief with Mary Hoper (counsellor) & Jon (Hospice) – Ministry team All Day – The gathering by CVM – Barry
Sunday 9.15am HC @ BN Drew 10.30am Informal @ St. John’s Billie & Wend 1-6pm BN open gardens and flower festival in church, refreshments in the Elderbank hall 6pm Evensong @ BB – Drew 6pm HC @ St. Mary’s Witney, Curate James’ first communion following priesting at Dorchester Abbey this morning – Lyndsay
1. BN Church has had some new families attending services which is encouraging.
2. Yesterday’s services appeared to go well.
3. Drew will be writing the July Clergy box in the newsletter.
4. St. J’s School SIAM visit all day on Wednesday. Wend and Drew to attend an interview at 11.30am.
5. There will be an end of year assembly with Y6’s at St. John’s – Drew to do a reflection and prayers, focus on ‘moving on’ and Wend to attend. Date Wednesday 17th July at 9.30am. Wend will confirm attendance with school.
6. Plans for this week’s informal service going well. Lots of involvement with the children. Billie and Wend to co-lead. Wend doing a talk.
7. Wend and the older children are planning a fundraising strategy to pay for attending the Diocese ‘Yellow Braces’ youth camp in 2025.
8. Wend is working on a PCC proposal to start up a Minecraft and Lego church following her visit to observe one in action recently. She will need funds to purchase several tablets and the software package to run the game. Miyah has enthusiastically agreed to build the church and scripture library using the software. Maddie and Felix would like to show the PCC how the game works one Sunday after church, TBA. Tablets approx. cost £100 per tablet & the software is up to £15.
9. To ensure Coffee, Cake and Chat is dementia friendly the set up of tables and chairs needs to be in the same arrangement each time. One person was very distressed and had to go home last week because of tables being in a different place.
10. INSPIRE – those who attend are determined to keep it going from September. Donna P has expressed a desire to become more involved with INSPIRE.
11. Allister H has taken up leading of Warm Space from September.
12. Barry is collecting information on the various groups and their leaders on the days when he has been teaching, in preparation for when he is fulltime and in charge.
13. The changes implemented for the informal and Messy Church Services appear to have gone down well with families and regular congregation members.
14. Carol and Ian confirmed they will organise the kitchen and refreshments for the Death Café.
15. Rossie has agreed to take on St. John’s baptism preparation as well as continuing with St. Britius families. Billie and Rossie will be meeting up for a hand overon Thursday .
16. Several new people had been identified as requiring a pastoral carer at St. J’s. Carol to organise and Jacky Thomas is taking on the overseeing of the pastoral care team.
17. The Deanery will be applying for funding to take on a Children & family worker who will work across the Deanery. Drew & Wend to complete the Parish mapping documents.
18. Wend will be attending her last training session this week and will receive a certificate. The church will be celebrating her achievement, date to be confirmed.
19. A visiting gentleman had been disappointed when he turned up for a BCP service recently, as still advertised on the notice board. Drew to ask Mike to cover this up temporarily.
Ministry meeting notes – 10th June 2024
Drew & Billie, Ian & Carol, Barry, Wend & Lyndsay (continues with observational placement at St. Mary’s on the green, Witney)
Monday 10am Ministry meeting Noon CCC lunch group – Wend & Barry 2.30pm Nature group at St. Mary’s Witney – Lyndsay 5.30pm Evening prayer at St. Mary’s Witney – Lyndsay
Tuesday 9am Morning prayer at St. Mary’s Witney followed by strategy meeting at 9.30- Lyndsay 10am Wend & Lyndsay Children’s Ministry Safeguarding training meeting Carterton Costa 1.30am Home group Lyndsay, Mike Watts house Carterton 4-5 K Club & 5.15-6.15 OK Club – Wend & Kath M 5.30pm Evening Prayer Witney – Lyndsay
Wednesday 9am MP Witney -Lyndsay 10am Anna Chaplaincy meeting at Witney – Lyndsay 11am Eucharist at Witney – Lyndsay 2-4pm ISPIRE – Carol & Ian 4-5 K Club – Wend & Nicki W 5.30pm EP at Witney – Lyndsay 7pm HC BN – Barry & 7.45pm Men’s Bible Study -Barry 7pm Home Group Drew & Billie
Thursday Lyndsay Day off whilst on placement 10.30am HC St. J’s – Barry 2.45pm St. John’s assembly – Wend & Barry Home Communion SB – Ian & Carol
Friday Drew & Billie Day off 9am MP at Witney – Lyndsay 9-10.30 Drop in Liz, Wend and team 4pm LLM conference till Sunday
Saturday -1
Sunday – Father’s Day 9.15am HC BN Drew 10.30am HC St. J’s – Barry & Billie – Gifting day for new heaters
Ø Review of last week – CW meeting last Monday went well. 21 adults + children at St. Britius yesterday for HC, x3 banns of marriage. Barry to order new banns certificate book. Barry would like to encourage the Bell ringers at St. Mary’s into church. On the 6th June they rang the bells at 7.30pm rather than the advertised 6pm. There was a full house at St. John’s service and all had gone well.
Ø 28th September – PCC away day for the benefice at Church house
Ø Tuesday Drew leading and playing ukulele at his friend’s funeral.
Ø Barry to explore further opportunities for engagement with CC College.
Ø Kids club – Wend was monitoring the behaviour of some children in the kids club and how best to manage this.
Ø Barry & Mike Watts meeting on Thursday to further discuss Church Suite.
Ø Ian seeing the consultant on Monday 24th June (not the 17th) in preparation of transferring care to Horsham.
Ø I & C will let Barry now their Home Communions and pastoral care visits.
Ø 29th June at 4pm, St. J’s the second Ecumenical Sing & Praise.
Ø 22nd June – Death Café on Grief.
Ø Wend – would like to introduce ID badges for leaders and staff in the Family and Children’s ministry team. Put up a ‘safety information’ and a ‘who to approach if they have concerns’ poster round the church. first aid training for herself and others. put up a poster making it clear that Drop-in is for children under the age of 5 years and their carers. Offer the Kids clubs a prayer ministry refresher session. LB to oblige. All approved by the team. If Wend implements Mind craft church 6 IT tablets would be needed. These could also be used to aid safeguarding training for volunteers in church
Ø Wend reported that there had been some past occasions where a member of the public had come into Drop-in and behaved inappropriately towards one of the volunteers. LB to arrange a pastoral visit with the person, and could be around on a Friday if necessary. BH could also be around from August if necessary.
Ø It was identified that the £50 petrol money that the PCC had gifted to Wend to cover her petrol for her training course was inadequate. Minister’s have always been encouraged to claim their full expenses to cover ministry costs. Wend was encouraged to claim for her petrol of 66miles each month plus some extra days that she had to attend to ensure she is not out of pocket.
Ø Rossie Sewell has been approached to cover planning and preparation of Baptism families for Carterton. Billie will let her know up to date information before retiring.
Ø Wend & Lyndsay meeting up Tuesday to identify which F&C volunteers need safeguarding & DBS checks. Wend is putting together an Exell page which will be colour coded and change to green if up to date, amber if training needed within 6 months and red if training needed within 2 months.
Ø LB reported there will be no Creative Space in July & August.
Ø A flyer giving feedback and encouraging members to use the Prayer ministry teams had been put together. Wend will look at and make less wordy and more visual.
Date of next meeting – 17th June.
Ministry Team meeting 20th May 2024
Present: Katie, Jessie, Drew, Billie, Wend, Carol, Ian, Barry
Apologies: Lyndsay
Last weekend:
Death Café was successful with good speakers. Possibly repeat in two years. Sing & Praise had approx. 20 people, all participated, John operated the PowerPoint. Next one provisionally planned for 29th June, 4pm. Services went well.
This week:
Monday – CCC meeting cancelled since no-one available to support Wend. Drew & Barry meeting w +Gavin over lunch. Drew meeting with bereaved family re burial of ashes, 3.30pm. PCC meeting Drew & Barry.
Tuesday – 11 am Lyndsay leading Dorothea’s funeral/cremation. Drew leading burial of ashes at St Britius 11 am then meeting with another bereaved family re funeral in afternoon. Kids’ Clubs run by Wend & Kath, making Pentecost kites.
Wednesday – Inspire Carol, Ian & Drew. Katie is leading BCP service at St Mary’s, Bampton and attending a Curate’s group. Kids’ Club run by Wend & Kath, making Pentecost kites. Carol & Ian taking evening communion service at St Britius. Drew & Billie leading home group.
Thursday – Carol & Ian leading morning communion service at St John’s. Barry and Rossie visiting Brize Meadow care home and possible baptism visit. Katie enrolling cadets on base, she will arrange for Barry to attend as well.
Friday – wedding rehearsal at St Mary’s, 2pm, led by Katie.
Saturday – wedding at St |Mary’s, 11 am, Katie & Drew.
Sunday 26th – Katie’s last services at St Britius and St Mary’s, both with Drew officiating and Katie preaching. Lyndsay will be leading morning worship at St John’s with Barry preaching. 12 noon – 2pm Katie, Miles & Jesse say their farewells at St John’s catered by Sharon & Ian (Heavenly Tarts).
Pastoral Care: Jackie has offered to take on leading this group and she will organise a meeting for July 8th.
Inspire: there are no meetings in August. Those attending will use the small kitchen to make their own tea & coffee. Gary S can help with this and Barry will help lead from September 9th. Mike W can lead quiz activities but there needs to be some variety.
Children’s Ministry:
Wend has asked older kids for suggestions of activities they might like to do. For 2025 she would like to take the group to Yellow Braces, a 2 day weekend in Clanfield at the Adventure Plus site, run by the diocese. It is an invitation to live out the gospel message. Tickets cost £100 and Wend would encourage the children to fundraise between now and next summer, one suggestion is a car wash.
Wend attended a meeting a Church House and picked up some posters to display in The Charlie Luke room and in the church hall offering a safe person to talk to.
Wend would like to use the Lighthouse noticeboard for the kids clubs, giving them a chance to display their work. Drew to raise sat PCC meeting tonight.
She will attend church in Kidlington on Sunday to see how they operate Minecraft Church for youngsters.
At CCC, girls are chatting to Wend and she is developing relationships with some of them whilst others are just there for free pizza and looking at their phones. Next CCC lunch will be 3rd June after half term. From September, Wend and Barry will decide the direction they want to take.
Wend is considering setting up Tea & Toast as a short after school session that could perhaps develop into a youth club at a later date. Carol & Ian have a tabletop football set and a BBQ, both stored in their garage, that belong to the youth group. They will leave them in the garage for now, but these could be brought to be stored in the back room at church and used by Wend.
Diocese is setting up a mapping exercise that we will need to complete showing schools, attendance by children etc in relation to support for children’s ministry. Drew hasn’t received the forms yet.
Wend will explore the idea of School chaplaincy, possibly offering an informal ‘surgery’ as an after-school drop-in.
Wend will find/set up a support network for children’s ministry.
Safeguarding: there is a Safeguarding Toolkit available on the Diocesan website that all volunteers should access and read. What mechanism is there to check that all volunteers take the relevant training and ensure that it is up-to-date? Ministry team get reminders. Could this be incorporated onto Church Suite? Barry will discuss this with Mike W.
Katie raised issue of ‘reply all’ emails, be careful!
Going forward:
No meeting next week (bank holiday). Next meeting will be June 3rd with CWs. Barry will host, Drew & Billie on holiday 3rd – 7th. After meeting, Carol & Barry will meet to liaise re home communions.
This was Katie’s last meeting, she & Jesse move on 5th June.
On August 11th, Wend is away and it should be the informal service however, it is also the date that +Gavin will come to St Mary’s to bless a loo, license Barry and possibly confirm some people. Wend will offer confirmation possibility to Kids’ Clubs. The consensus was that this should be a benefice service.
Ministry Team notes 13th May 2024
Present: Rev Ian, Carol, Katie, Wend, Rev Drew
Apologies: Billie, Rev Barry, Lyndsay, Jesse
1. Sunday services reviewed – Informal service at St John’s well attended (57) and had a good balance to engage all ages. St Mary’s and St Brit’s also went well. Drew to discuss with Anton’s mum Maiia and host Fiona to check it’s OK for Anton to bring the other boy who may be a relative or neighbour to services.
2. Carol and Ian attended a helpful Holy Spirit day at Carterton Methodist Church on Saturday, led by the Aldersgate church team and with attendance from other local churches. They are taking Home Communion to Sandy Bain on Friday 16th.
3. Barry reported that he will be taking the midweek communion services, also a Brize Meadow care home service on Thursday. Barry and Katie are to meet soon to discuss the RAF cadet chaplaincy.
4. Katie is attending a training course on Wednesday and a disabled curates’ support group on Thursday. Katie is officiating at the wedding of Lawrence’s daughter in Black Bourton on 24th May and Drew is contacting Lawrence to discuss a possible additional music item.
5. The next Death Café will be on Saturday morning with Katie, Drew and Billie involved.
6. Wend attended an excellent Outdoor Church session yesterday at Grendon, Northants involving storytelling, craft and toasted marshmallows, and is considering if and how something similar may work here. She has also arranged to meet Alvescot churchwarden Jenny Insch and to attend one of the outdoor church events Jenny runs for parents and young children. Drew is accompanying Wend at the CCC lunch club today.
7. Tuesday kids’ club and OKC are covered by Wend and Kath, the Wednesday session is cancelled this week.
8. Carol is leading the Pastoral Care leaders’ meeting tonight and Drew is chairing the Standing Committee.
9. This Wednesday morning there will be a coffee cake and chat session at St John’s (Jackie & Billie) and Pilgrims’ Lunch is on at St Brit’s on Tuesday.
10. Drew and Billie will be away in Cambridge for medical appointments from from Wednesday afternoon to Friday evening.
Next Sunday 19th May, Pentecost
9.15 Barry/Lyndsay
10.30 Katie/Drew
12.30 Baptism at St John’s by Katie
Tuesday 7th May 2024 – Ministry team and church wardens meeting notes
Present – Drew & Billie, Katie, Wend, Phil & Rossie, Lene, Lyndsay, Mike Watts
Apologies – Ian & Carol, Barry, Lawrence, Allister & Alison
Mike Watts joined the meeting for an update on Church suite. This first year is being funded by Mike. Packages purchased are address book, small groups, calendar, and children’s. Mike is having discussions with various key people and seeking administrators in each church. The hope is that the system will be up and running by the end of July. In the future we could look to expand programmes to include planning and rotas if initial set up works well.
Tuesday 7th May – 1.30pm Home Group Lyndsay 4-5pm K Club 5.15-6.15 OK Club – Wend & Cath (Wend off to training at 10 to 6pm – Billie to cover her. Eve RAF Cadets – Katie Eve PCC Black Bourton – Drew
Wednesday 8th – 2-4pm INSPIRE – Ian & Carol 4-5pm k Club – Wend & Nicki 7pm HC @ BN – Barry 7pm Home group – Drew & Billie 7.30pm PMT meeting in church (TBC)
Thursday 9th – 10.30am HC @ St. J’s – Barry 11am -2pm Women Clergy Day – Katie 7.30pm singing practice @ St. J’s
Friday 10th – 9am-10.30am Drop in – Wend, Liz, Lyndsay & team
Saturday 11th – 8am for 8.30am Men’s BF
Sunday 12th – 9.15am HC Drew 10.30am IW Wend & Katie 11am HC Carol & Ian 4pm Creative Space – Lyndsay
1. Alison Brown is standing for church warden at St. John’s for another year.
2. Wend is researching the possibility of Minecraft and Lego Church, and outdoor church for families.
Numbers at messy church had dropped this month, being the bank holiday weekend may have resulted in families being away.
3. Death café 18th May – Marie W (HCA) & a nurse will be coming to talk about end of life care.
4. 28th July will be a benefice service at St. John’s Church for the last day of Drew & Billie, Ian & Carol, to celebrate their ministry and say goodbye. Lene offered to make a cake.
5. Billie will organise the ministry rota up until end of July. Barry will then be responsible.
6. 25th May – Wedding at BB – Katie with a rehearsal the day before at 2pm.
7. 19th May – Baptism at St. J’s – Katie 12.30pm
8. 5 Baptisms at BN are booked – Barry
9. BN have 2 home communions that I&C usually cover – Barry will be taking on from August.
10. 16th May for 2/52 Phil will be away on holiday. Music has been organised for the services.
11. 23rd June is the date for BN open gardens and flower festival in church.
Date of next MM & CW 3rd June at 10am.
29th April 2024 – Ministry team meeting
Drew & Billie, Ian & Carol, Barry, Wend, Lyndsay
Monday 29th – 10am MM CCC lunch club – cancelled
Tuesday 30th – 2pm online training session (Minecraft) – Wend 4-5pm TK Club 5.15-6.15 OK club – Wend & Cath
Wednesday 1st – 10.30am-12.30pm coffee, cake & chat 4-5pm WK club – Wend & Nicki 7pm HC @ BN Barry, Home Group Billie 7pm
Thursday 2nd – 10.30am HC @ St. J’s Barry 2.45pm St. John’s school assembly – Barry 7.30pm St. J’s singing group practice
Friday 3rd – 9am-10.30am Drop in – Liz, Wend & team
Saturday 4th –
Sunday 5th – 9.15am HC @ BN Drew 10.30am HC @ St. J’s Barry / Carol 4pm Messy Church Wend & Katie
1. 19th -23rd August Holiday Club – Wend & Barry (not Friday for Barry). Volunteers will need an in date DBS & safeguarding certificate.
2. Mike Watts to be invited to talk about church suite at the next meeting.
3. Tuesday family summer holiday picnics to be arranged by Wend.
4. TKC booklets & video clips are ready for distribution around the Benefice– Barry
5. OT student contacted Carol and would like to visit Coffee, cake and chat.
6. Possible plans for INSPIRE & CC&C once Carol and Ian retired – Gary Sealy & Shaun Baylis in the Kitchen. Need someone to help set up & clear away tables and chairs and more kitchen support for Coffee, cake & chat. Carol to approach Carol Fothergill and Deborah Pearce.
7. 18th May at 4.30pm Sing and Praise for Everyone 1st ecumenical session – Carol.
8. Barry has booked in 4 further sessions at the BN Care home.
9. Holidays – 8th – 23rd July – Lyndsay, 5th – 14th August Wend.
10. Wend is happy to start planning Informal worship services from start to finish with a little support.
11. Billie & Kath to cover OK Club next Tuesday 7th – practicing song, reading, and drama ready for May Informal Worship.
12. The Methodist Church has organised a ‘Life in the Spirit Experience’ 10th -12th May. Carol & Ian will be attending.
Date of next meeting Tuesday 7th at 10am with church wardens
Sunday 21st April 2024 Ministry meeting
Drew & Billie, Ian & Carol, Barry, Katie, Wend, Lyndsay
Monday – D & B hosp. appt. 11am Home Communion – Ian & Carol noon – CCC lunch club – Wend & Barry
Tuesday – 4-5pm Kids Club, 5.15-6.15pm Older Kids club – Wend & Cath
Wednesday – 2-4pm INSPIRE -Carol & Ian 2pm – Home communion – Ian & Carol 4-5pm Kids Club – Wend & Nicki 7pm HC @ Brize, Home Group – Billie, Kintsugi course session 3-Louise
Thursday – 10.30am HC @ St. J’s – Drew Study day @ church house – Barry & Lyndsay 2.55pm St. J’s School Assembly – Wend
Friday – Drop in Liz, Wend Men’s ministry Aunt Sally and Curry night
Saturday – IME study day on leadership – Katie 10am – Death Café – Billie
Sunday – 9.15am BN HC Drew 10.30am St. J’s MW Billie & Lyndsay 6pm Evening Prayer BCP @ BB – Drew
1. Katie on A/L until the 21st – 28th April.
2. Wend to practice the flute with Drew on guitar in prep for Sunday Service. Barry on AV, Wend will show him the software for worship Song Words.
3. We met CJ the bear who assists Wend & Barry at assemblies.
4. Katies plans for moving are being worked out, as are Ian & Carol’s plans.
5. Ian & Carol to think about plans for INSPIRE from end of July. Who could lead this important work?
6. 5th May Messy Church – Katie & Wend to lead.
7. 6 men attended the Men’s monthly bible study with 2 more unable to attend the first meeting.
8. Sunday 12th May – Barry away.
9. PJ party was a lovely and very funny evening. So far, £300 has been raised for pancreatic cancer charity.
Date of next meeting – Monday 29th April 2024.
15th April 2024 Ministry meeting notes
Drew and Billie, Ian and Carol, Barry, Wend, Lyndsay
Katie apologies
15th Monday – 10am ministry meeting Noon CCC lunch club-Wend & Barry pm Baptism prep – Drew & Billie pm MT care home visit – Ian & Carol
16th Tuesday – 1.30pm Home Group – Lyndsay 4-5pm K Club & 5.15-6.15pm OK Club Wendy & Katie
17th Wednesday – 10.30am -12.30pm Warm Space – Billie & Carol 4pm-5pm K Club Wend & Nicki Witt 7pm Home Group – Billie 7pm HC @ BN Carol & Ian 7pm Barry men’s bible study – Steve B
18th Thursday – 9.45am Benefice prayer meeting @ St. J’s 10.30am HC 2.55pm Assembly @ St. John’s School – Barry
19th Friday – 9-10.30am Drop in – Liz Wood, Wend, Lyndsay & team
20th Saturday –
21st Sunday – 9.15am Katie & Lyndsay Easter 4 10.30am Barry & Billie – final Banns reading
1. Katie annual leave 22nd -28th
2. Informal service review – Wend’s testimony was powerful, as was the testimonies of Mia, Maddy & Alice.
3. 3 parents from our children’s families are currently on the Kintsugi course. They would like to know the dates of the church breakfasts in good time. With the roll out of church suite it should become easier to get events publicity out.
4. APCM @ St. Mary’s this Wednesday 7pm – Drew.
5. Barry to seek permission from St. John’s School head teacher to drop into whole school assemblies on Monday mornings occasionally.
6. 18th May @ 4.30pm Ecumenical Praise and Worship once a month for the next 3 months then review– Carol & Ian. Wend to produce a poster
7. Mr Fix it made the Pasanda boxes – Lyndsay to invite to the service of thanks. Done.
8. Barry has a review meeting with the care home manager at Brize Norton this week.
9. Barry to see Katie regarding her chaplaincy work with the cadets before she leaves.
10. Thy Kingdom Come leaflets have arrived and Barry is organising soundbite video to post each day.
Date of next meeting – Sunday 21st April @ noon.
Minutes of clergy team meeting 8th April 2024
Present: Katie, Jesse, Carol Ian, Billie, Drew
Apologies: Lyndsay, Wend, Barry
Meeting opened with prayer.
Confirmation of Miyah, Maddie and Alice went well, celebration at St John’s planned for next Sunday. Services at St Britius and St John’s went well.
This week includes school holidays so there are no assemblies or children’s activities.
On Wednesday: INSPIRE, Katie leading holy communion at St Britius, Drew leading home group at the Rectory.
Thursday: Katie leading holy communion at St John’s.
Saturday: family breakfast.
Sunday: Drew/Billie at St Britius, APCM follows. Katie/Wend at St John’s with celebratory cake after for confirmation, Barry has offered to take the communion service at St Mary’s since Drew will be chairing the APCM at St Britius.
The following Monday 15th Katie will be away viewing the house in Lynton. She is still working on finding a GP to speak at the Death Café. She will send a pro forma funeral planner to Billie to be put on the website.
Carol & Ian will be seeing Len D and Sandie B for home communion w/c 15th. Carol is working on putting together a monthly Praise & Worship informal service on Saturday afternoons at 4.30pm. Music would be led according to who was available, as jam sessions.
Ian and Carol saw +Gavin on 3rd and Ian has decided that he will retire, and they will be moving to Horsham this summer, dates to be decided.
Tuesday 02nd April, 2024 – Ministry team and Church Wardens meeting notes.
Drew & Billie, Ian & Carol, Katie, Wend, Lyndsay Phil & Rossie, Lene, Allister
1. Midweek services 3rd & 4th April – Ian and Carol
2. Sunday services 7th April 09.15am Barry 10.30am Carol leading, Barry Preaching plus Banns of Marriage Aston Church 10.30am Confirmation of Mia, Maddy and Alice. Wend has purchased bibles for them all. Drew, Billie, Katie and Lyndsay attending.
3. Tuesday 1pm Home group-Lyndsay
4. Feedback from Easter events and services over Holy Week was very positive and appreciated.
5. Allister away for the next 3 services.
6. Barry, Wend and Lyndsay on A/L one week beginning the 8th April.
7. APCMs – Sunday 14th April following the service, St. Britius, Brize Norton, with no expected changes. Wednesday 17th April in the evening, St. Mary’s, Black Bourton, Lawrence is standing down as church warden and Nicki Holmes is standing for CW. Lene to check if she has level 2 safeguarding.
12th May following the service, St. John’s, Carterton. Alison Brown standing down as church warden. Marygrace Fanshaw and Adrian Norgrove standing for PCC membership. Post still needed safeguarding officer, and church warden.
8. Katie will be flying in an Atlas with the Air Cadets and a couple of VIP’s this afternoon.
9. Katie may be late to the next ministry meeting as Jessie has his 1 year check with the Health Visitor.
10. 26th May save the date as it will be Katie’s last working day. There will be cake and refreshments following services in St. John’s hall. Details and invitations to all churches TBC.
11. Katie to assist Wend on Tuesday 16th April for the 2 Kids clubs.
12. Following April’s informal service on the 14th April there will be cake to celebrate the 3 children who were baptised at Aston last week.
13. Plans for the service of thanks for our volunteers are in progress. Morning Worship 28th April at St. John’s Church. Invitations are going out this week.
18th March 2024 – Ministry Meeting notes
Drew & Billie, Ian & Carol, Barry, Katie, Wend, Lyndsay
Monday 18th March 9am CPS assembly Wend; CC lunchtime club Wend & Barry
Tuesday 19th 1.30pm Home Group Lyndsay; 4-5 TKC & 5.15-6.15 OKC Wend & Katie
Wednesday 20th 10.30-12.30pm Warm Space Billie; 4-5pm WK club Wend & Nicki; 7pm HC BN Barry; 7.30pm Home Group Drew & Billie
Thursday 21st 9.45am Benefice prayer St. J’s All welcome; 10.30am HC St. J’s Barry; 11.30am BN care home visit Barry, Rossie & Katie; 2.45pm St. J’s assembly Barry; Eve. RAF cadets Katie
Friday 22nd 9am-10.30am Drop in Liz, Wend, Lyndsay
Saturday 23rd 10am-11.30am Death Café (1) Angela, Drew, Katie; Noon Lent lunch Mason’s Arms Ministry team
Sunday 24th 9.15 HC BN Barry; 10.30 MW St. J’s Drew/Katie; 12.30 Baby Green BB Katie; 4pm Children’s stations of the cross @ St. Joseph’s Wend & Barry; 1800 Evening prayer BB Barry
1. Several confidential pastoral care concerns were discussed.
2. It was noted that the prayer of humble access was an optional aspect of the Eucharist liturgy and could be replaced by another prayer, or left out at the minister’s discretion. There is already a precedence set for switching up liturgy during certain times of the year such as Lent, or Advent.
3. BM funeral preparations are going well – 2pm, Wednesday 27th March at St. John’s. There will be no INSPIRE that day – Carol and Billie have been letting members know.
Monday 25th No ministry team meeting 5.30pm compline @ BB Jeremy; 7pm Reflection @ St. J’s Katie
Tuesday 26th 5.30pm compline @ BB Jeremy; 7pm Taizé reflection @ St. J’s Drew
Wednesday 27th 5.30pm compline @ BB Jeremy 7pm Reflection @ St. J’s 7pm Barry NO HC @ BN (moved to Thursday eve)
Thursday 28th 10.30am NO HC @ St. J’s (moved to eve) 11am Chrism Eucharist & Renewing of ministerial vows @ Christ Church Cathedral All ministers; 5.30pm compline @ BB Jeremy; 7pm HC @ BN Drew; 7pm HC @ St. J’s Katie
Friday 29th 10am Walk of Witness – Marigold Square, Shilton Park Drew; 11.30 Hot Cross buns and coffee St. J’s Ian & Sharon H
Noon GF service of reflection Ian Howard & Lyndsay; 4pm Tenebrae Service BN Barry; 5.30pm complin @ BB Jeremy
Saturday 30th 10am-12noonEaster Family Workshop @ St. J’s Wend, Liz, Sue Worral & team
Sunday 31st 09.15 HC BN Drew; 9am Easter Breakfast @ St. J’s Ian & Sharon Harley; 10.30am HC St. J’s Barry/Lyndsay; 11am HC BB Katie
4. Safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone and this is particularly important due to not having a St. John’s safeguarding officer in post for some time. A proposal to meet up twice a year to raise awareness of and encourage a culture of good safeguarding practice will be put to the PCC. All church leaders will be encouraged to participate and it will be open to all. Initially looking at and working towards implementing the, 2-page, Oxford Diocese Code of Safe Working practice.
5. Wend will be submitting a proposal to the PCC to revamp the Charlie Luke room, making it more child friendly, updating the layout and recycling any resources that are no longer required.
6. Death Café – positive vibes from a local solicitor and the hospice, waiting for conformation. Carol and Ian in the kitchen and will organise some cakes. Drew will check in with Angela this week. Sessions will start with a cuppa – 5-10 min talk Q&A opportunity – cuppa and cake – talk 5-10 mins Q&A. Wend and the team will set up tables on Friday after Drop in. Katie will provide conversation starter questions for each table. Marie Wolsey, Wend and Lyndsay also available to ‘host’ tables for discussion.
7. Clothes Shop Swap – cancelled due to not enough volunteers to help and low numbers supporting this project. We will however keep it under review and may ‘piggy back’ it onto another suitable event in the future.
8. Katie working on moving plans, including giving 2 months’ notice on the rental property.
9. Thanks to Jacky Thomas and Carol Howard who have both volunteered to sit with Jimmy at the day centre 10am-3pm so Carol Darius can have some time for herself.
10. The green flask may not be holding its heat. Billie will check during warm space this week.
Date of next meeting – Tuesday 2nd April at 10am with ministers and church wardens.
Monday 11th March, Ministry Meeting Notes
Drew & Billie, Ian & Carol (leaving early), Barry, Katie, Wendy, Lyndsay
Monday 11th 10am Ministry meeting CC College lunch club As above Wend & Barry
Tuesday 12th Noon Pilgrim lunch @ BN Carol & Ian, Drew ; 1pm Witney funeral Barry; 4-5pm TK Club & 5.15-6.15pm OK Club Wend & Katie
Wednesday 13th 2-4pm INSPIRE Carol & Ian; 4-5pm WK club Wend & Nicki Witt; 7pm HC @ BN Barry; 7.30pm Home group Drew & Billie
Thursday 14th Study Day Katie;10.30am HC St. J’s Barry; 2.55pm Assembly St. J’s School Wend & Barry; 3pm Home Communion (SB) Ian & Carol
Friday 15th 9am-10.30am Drop -in, St. John’s Liz, Wend, Lyndsay & team; 8pm Fire Walk Billie, Peter, Liz, Lyndsay
Saturday 16th 9am-1pm church cleaning Open to all (whose feet don’t hurt!)
Sunday 17th 9.15am HC @BN Katie;10.30am HC @St. J’s Billie/Drew;12.30pm Baptism Lily Munden @ St. J’s Rev. Kit (RAF) Drew closing up & Stephen Hester on AV; 4pm Creative Space Lyndsay & Jacky
· Drew undertook a home visit with the Monkhouse family on Friday and yesterday and Katie met up with Luke.
· Death Café update on plans- 23rd March – Angela Finch, Funeral Director from Taylors, with Katie and Drew in place for the first café session. 27th April – Legal Things – Drew has heard back from Siobhan O’Brian at the registrar’s office and Billie organising a solicitor. 18th May – Medical Things – Katie is organising a GP. Marie Woolsey as a HCA is also available. The Hospice contact have sent through a video that could be played if no one is available to come in person. 22nd June – Grief – Drew has organised Mary Hooper, a counsellor and Drew covering priest slot.
· Ian and Carol have a review with bishop Gavin at the end of the month.
· The visits to Brize Norton Care Home will be every two weeks at 11.30pm. Date of next visit 21st March and Katie will accompany Barry and Rossie.
· 11th August Bishop Gavin has been booked to bless and officially open the new facilities at St. Mary’s Church. Time to be confirmed. There may also be some confirmations for those unable to make the Aston Church day.
· 7th April, 10.30am Aston Church confirmation day. Maddie and Alice from Kids Club are interested. Katie will be running confirmation classes for the next 3 weeks for all the children to think about. Please pray for the children as they learn and reflect.
· Wend’s training day last week highlighted that most of the children’s ministry ideas that the Diocese encouraged were already happening at St. John’s Church.
· Wend is looking into the possibility of inviting year 6’s to volunteer at INSPIRE for work experience. 2 young persons have already asked to volunteer at church for their Duke of Edinburgh awards.
· Deanery synod – Carol reported that it was a good meeting. More details to follow as she and Ian had to leave the meeting early.
· Easter Family Work Shop – plans are progressing well. St. John’s children’s team are organising 3 crafts and a story using Wend’s new Magic story resource. Sue Worral from the Methodist church has also committed her children’s team to organise another 3 crafts. Wend is hoping that St. Joseph’s church would also be available to support this event. She will ask for donations on the day to help cover costs and split 50/50. There will be separate donations for refreshments.
· The men’s breakfast was good with approximately 30 attendees. Rev. Ian Worral had asked for volunteers to help with the gardening project.
· Steve Bostock was planning a men’s bible study group starting on Wednesday 17th April.
· The next informal service will be on the theme of Samson.
· 24th March two baptisms – 12.30pm St. Mary’s Baby Green – Katie to cover 12.30pm St. Britius Baby Pye – Barry to cover and check with Rossie that this is going ahead.
· Joy Douglas is having a 90th Birthday tea dance at the Elderbank Halll on the 24th March, 2pm-4pm. Open invitation for the ministry team to attend.
· Congratulations to Miles who has accepted the post of rector at Lynton & Lynmouth Benefice. Katie has been exploring several options for funding her curacy transfer with Bishop Gavin and the archdeacon of Exeter Diocese. Miles’ licencing is much sooner than originally expected and will be on Thursday 20th June in the evening. Katies last working day will be the 26th May.
· Drew to cover the midweek service of 29th and 30th May.
· Billie reported that it was hard at times to hear Katie online due to the baby noises of Jessie being picked up on her microphone.
· It was noted that Wend’s talk and involvement in co-leading the service on Sunday went well. All the ministry team and lots of congregation members had expressed their appreciation of her talk.
4th March 2024 – Ministry and Church Wardens Meeting Notes
Drew & Billie, Ian & Carol, Barry, Wendy, Lene & Lawrence, Lyndsay
Katie on holiday
Monday 4th 10am M & CW meeting; 1pm Lunch club at CC College Wendy & Barry
Tuesday 5th 1.30pm Home group Lyndsay; 4-5 pm TK Club 5.15-6.15pm Wend & Lyndsay; OK Club Evening Billie & Lyndsay; Training Eve. Deanery Synod with Yvonne Morris, Discipleship Enabler Carol
Wednesday 6th 10.30am-12.30pm Warm Space Carol, Alister, Shaun; 4-5pm K Club Wend & Nicky Witt; 7pm HC @ BN 7.30pm Drew; 7pm Home Group Drew & Billie
Thursday 7th 10.30am HC St. J’s Barry; 11.30am BN care home visit Barry & Rossie; Deanery Chapter Drew & Barry; 2.45pm St. John’s Assembly Barry; 4pm Organ lesson John Rotherham, Barry, Anton
Friday 8th 9-10.30am Drop in Liz, Wendy & Lyndsay
Saturday 9th 8.30am Men’s Breakfast followed by Operation Daffodil Men’s Ministry Team
Sunday 10th (Mothering Sunday) 09.15am HC BN Barry & Carol; 10.30am Informal St. J’s Katie & Wendy; 11am HC BB & 2nd reading of banns Barry & Carol
· Repair Café – Busiest session so far and went well. Cakes were lovely.
· Pastoral Care – Drew visited Bob on Sunday.
· Easter Saturday Family Workshop – Plans coming together. Wendy and Liz planning an Easter garden, Easter biscuits and Wendy to do a Story with the new resource magic bag. The Methodist Church is doing 1 craft and Wend is still waiting or other churches to get back to her.
· Wend has an invitation for her and the children to attend and be involved in a 4pm Palm Service at St. Joseph’s Church.
· Messy Church went well and attendance was much better this month. DofN Messy Church 5th May and the theme is Sampson.
· Mike Watts will be helping Wend put together a group email for the children’s family contacts on the church email system possibly using church suit.
· 11 days until the fire walk – Billie, Peter, Lyndsay and Liz are all raising money for charity. Following the event, please can church wardens collect money and give to their treasurer. Lene volunteered to take the form to encourage people to sign up as she goes around the Parish this week.
· 9th June – changed to D Day Anniversary Morning Worship – Drew leading. May be possible to graft in the ‘induction of the RBL standard’ at the same service.
· 16th June – 10.30am Barry preaching as Carol on LLM conference & Billie leading.
· 23rd June – Informal service will now take place on this date & also BN Open Gardens.
· Janet Sayer has asked to volunteer once again with the pastoral care team. Carol to check her DBS & Safeguarding training is up to date.
· Kintsugi Hope – Louise Griffiths and Billie are hoping to run a spring course. Please mention and encourage others to consider participation of this.
· Death Café – a few rumbles over the name. 23rd March – Funerals – Drew covering priest slot & Angela from E. Taylor and Sons funeral director. 27th April – Legal Things – Drew waiting a reply from a registrar and Billie organising a solicitor. 18th May – Medical Things – Katie is organising a GP. Also need a Hospice Medic. 22nd June – Grief – Drew had organised a counsellor and Drew covering priest slot.
· 11th August – awaiting confirmation of the time for Bishop Gavin to come and bless the new facilities at Black Bourton Church. There may also be 1 or 2 confirmations for those who cannot make the other date at Aston. Lene suggests making this their main service of the day instead of 11am HC.
· Wendy will purchase confirmation gift of a bible for the children that will be confirmed.
26th February 2024 Ministry team notes
Drew & Billie, Ian & Carol, Barry, Katie, Wendy and Lyndsay
Monday 26th February 10am Ministry meeting CC College lunch club Wendy & Barry
Tuesday 27th 10am Part 2online safeguarding training Drew & Lyndsay 4-5pm TK Club 5.15pm OK Club Wendy & Drew
Wednesday 28th 2-4pm INSPIRE Carol & Ian 4-5pm WK club Wendy & Nicky 5.30pm Compline BB Jeremy 7pm HC BN Barry Home group Drew & Billie
Thursday 29th 10am -3pm Lent Quiet Day, Sutton Courtney 10.30am HC St. J Whole ministry team accept Wendy who has appt. Drew to join after HC
Friday 1st March 7pm Methodist Church, ecumenical World Day of Prayer service All welcome to attend
Saturday 2nd 10am-4pm LLM Forum @ church house Carol, Lyndsay 10am-12.30pm Repair café @ St. J’s Drew, Wend, 1130am Burial of Ashes Drew
Sunday 3rd 9.15am HC BN Drew/Billie 10am -10.15am Prayer St. J’s Lyndsay/Carol & Ian all welcome 10.30am HC St. J’s Barry/Lyndsay1pm Wedding prep visit (July) Barry 4pm Messy Church Barry/Wendy & team
· Remember to publicise Easter services and events at each service (March Newsheet).
· Welcome & contact card for newbies from Carol – Billie to complete
· Wend is in contact with Edith Moorhouse School and hoping to have an Easter assembly with them. She is going in to judge the Easter Egg Competition.
· St. John’s school to have an Easter Service on 25th March
· Carterton Primary School is yet to confirm dates over Easter with Wend
· Wend would like to update the Children’s safeguarding, GDPR & consent forms and to have an online database (SharePoint). To come up with a draft for PCC approval.
· Barry needs a donkey for Palm Sunday – Ian Harley or Alison Brown to be approached as they are known to have donkey onesies.
· Barry would also like an Easter bunny. Wendy volunteered Maddie for the role.
· It is hoped that John Rotherham (Organist) will met up with Anton o the 6th March for a lesson with Barry in attendance.
· Anton would also like to volunteer at Brize Norton church for his Duke of Edinburgh award. To be encouraged to act as a sides person, reader, prayer, and cleaning with his mum.
· 6th & 7th HC midweeks change to Barry covering.
· Brize Norton care home visits changed to morning which works out better for all. Next visit 11.30am on 7th March – Barry and Rossie
· 4th March at 2pm funeral in Witney – Barry was approached by Taylors funeral directors as there were no vicars available in Witney.
· Katie will return to work full time from Thursday 29th February. Followed by 1 week annual leave from the 3rd March.
· Posters to publicise the Death Café to go to Dr’s surgeries and the Town Hall this week-Katie.
· Mothering Sunday service plans on track with Katie and Wendy.
· Carol will contact ecumenical partners to see if there is interest for an ecumenical time of praise and worship.
· Easter Saturday Family Workshop – only the Methodist church has replied so far but Wend will chase up. 11am-3pm. Carol and Billie in the Kitchen serving drinks and biscuits.
· 20-21st April – as a potential day of prayer and gifting to raise money towards the £4K cost of replacing the hall heaters. Carol to approach AJ’s dad on helping plan this event.
· 28th April 10.30am Morning Worship will be a service dedicated to giving thanks to volunteers within St. John’s Church. Other services can be planned for St. Britius & St. Mary’s during the year.
Date of next meeting –
Monday 4th March at 10am, St. John’s Church Hall, for Ministry team and Church Wardens.
Monday 19thFebruary 2024 – Ministry meeting notes
Drew & Billie, Ian & Carol, Barry, Katie, Lyndsay, Wendy
Monday 19th Feb Lunch club CCC Barry & Wendy;1pm Funeral @ South Oxford Crem Lyndsay & Drew ; Hospital visit following crem Drew; 7pm Pastoral Care group-Charlie Luke Carol & Billie
Tuesday 20th 10am safeguarding training Drew & Lyndsay;1.30pm Homegroup Lyndsay; 4-5pm TK Club & OK club Wendy & Katie
Wednesday 21st Environmental Theology @ church house Katie; Warm Space 10am Billie; 11am Spiritual Direction Lyndsay; 4-5 WK Club Wend & Katie; 5.30pm Compline @ BB Jeremy; 7pm HC @ BN Billie L Barry; 7pm Homegroup Drew & Billie
Thursday 22nd 10.30am HC @ St. J’s Barry; 2.30pm BN care home Barry; 2.55pm assembly @ St. J’s school Wendy
Friday 23rd 9am-10.30am Drop-in Carol & Liz
Saturday 24th
Sunday 25th 9.15am HC @BN Katie;10.30am MW @ St. J’s Lyndsay & Billie; 6pm BCP Evening prayer Lyndsay & Billie Lyndsay & Billie
· Confidential pastoral care discussion and time of prayer.
· Death Café – Angela Finch, funeral director has agreed to come and give a short outline talk. Billie will talk to Cath to forewarn her and Bob that the Death Café will start to be promoted.
· Wendy will let St. John’s school know that no one is available next Thursday for the assembly as the whole ministry team have a lent quiet day. Drew will join the team after Holy Communion. Barry will cover 1st March St. John’s assembly.
· Katie will be preparing the children’s clubs for mothering Sunday informal Worship.
· Wendy is organising an ecumenical Easter Family Workshop on Easter Saturday 11am-3pm.
· Billie to contact Ian & Sharon to order in Hot Cross Buns for Good Friday & the Family Workshop.
· Repair café – 2nd March, Drew running on the day. LLMs off to Diocese LLM forum. Carol Fothergill in the kitchen. Mike Watts on IT. Only 1 other person had replied to Billie’s email. We may need to cancel if volunteers don’t come forward.
· March Messy Church – Barry to contact Liz Wood to plan.
· The Diocese are hoping to organise a Quiet Reflective Women’s Day for female clergy. Katie is waiting to hear of potential dates, to see if St. John’s Church & Hall are free to use.
· Due to health and safety grounds birthday chair bumps will no longer be offered at children’s clubs. It is suggested that we offer an alternative fun activity instead.
Date & Time of next meeting –
Monday 26th February at 10am
12th February 2023 Ministry team notes
Drew & Billie, Barry, Ian & Carol, Katie, Lyndsay, Wendy
Monday 12th Hospital visit Evening Baptism Prep Drew Drew
Tuesday 13th Pancake fundraising evening 6-7.30pm St. Britius Church – tickets from Carolyn
Wednesday 14th INSPIRE 2pm-4pm Ash Wednesday 7pm HC Carol & Ian St. Britius Church – Barry
Thursday 15th Ash (Wednesday) 10.30am HC St. John’s Church – Katie
Friday 16th
Saturday 17th
Sunday 18th 9.15am HC 10.30am HC St. Britius Church Barry/Carol St. John’s Church Billie/Drew
· End of term for schools so no assemblies or Kids clubs.
· Drew and Billie away Thursday pm – Saturday am, for Billies hospital review. Wendy volunteered to feed Rory the Rectory Cat on Friday.
· INSPIRE – quiz, Valentines poem by Doreen, Valentines biscuits
· Wednesday home group may go to Ash Wednesday service at St. Britius – Billie waiting for people to get back to her with numbers.
· 20th & 21st Katie helping Wendy at Kids’ Club x3 groups
· Wendy has negotiated St. John’s school to change assemblies from Wednesdays to Thursdays.
· AJ (13y) has approached Wendy and asked to volunteer with children’s activities for his Duke of Edinburgh award. Drew was positive in encouraging this, Wendy to go through his DofE criteria to find out exactly what is required and Drew/Billie to look into what needs to be done for safer recruiting guidelines.
· From next week, meetings will be held at 10am to give Carol more time to cook pizza now that CC College lunch club meet on a Monday.
· Wendy had recently attended a training day on Easter and had come back with some good ideas.
o Heavenly Hexagon Cross, to take into schools and INSPIRE.
o Demonstration of cleaning sins through the cross £30 per kit on expenses for taking into schools.
· Wendy had heard back from John Gridley from Carterton Community Church. He is happy for St. John’s to host the Saturday Easter Workshop. Wendy is organising and in contact with other churches for this ecumenical event. Liz Wood helping also. St. John’s activity will be making an Easter Garden.
· Informal worship feedback –
o some children had been disappointed with how much they had to read and would have liked more.
o There was more things for adults and some positive response from adults present to say they liked this very much.
o Word searches had kept the children engaged and settled.
o Children could be involved in a drama next month
o There were a lot of families that had gone away for the end of term break
· A couple of people, 1 adult, 1 young person, had expressed interest in being confirmed.
· Another person may be interested in reaffirming their baptismal vows.
· Thy Kingdom Come – Barry to organise and order resources when they are released in 2 weeks time.
· Town council meeting – Barry reported that there were lots of events being planned by or through the town council.
· Monday 8th – 13th April Barry requested leave and approved. Wendy and Lyndsay also away as it’s Spring Harvest week.
· Holy Week meditations – Katie and Drew have swapped days. Katie now Monday 25th March and Drew Tuesday 26th March
· Ian reported he is doing x3 home communions
· AJ’s dad, Hemalw, has offered to advise on some possible fundraising activities for the church.
· Carol put forward the idea for an ecumenical praise and worship regular event. She will ask around to see if there is any support for this.
· Wendy put forward the idea of a talent night towards summer and getting the kids involved as a small fund raiser.
· Everyone is reminded to send in sermons to Billie for the church website.
· Next year we are due to dig up the Millennium time capsule. Where is it buried? Billie will ask around.
Date of next meeting:- 10am, Monday 19th February.
Ministry Team and Church Wardens meeting – Monday 5th February 2024
Attendees – Drew & Billie, Barry, Katie (Jessie), Carol, Lyndsay, Wendy, Lene & Lawrence, Allister, Rossie
Apologies – Ian, Phil & Alison
Monday 5th 10.30am CW & MT meeting
Tuesday 6th Funeral 12.30 Drew; Home group 1.30-3pm Lyndsay; 4-5pm Kids club 5.15pm-6.15pm older kids club Wendy, Billie, Drew ask older group re. confirmation interest Wendy
Wednesday 7th Warm Space Billie, Carol; 2pm supervision Lyndsay; 4-5pm Kids club Wendy & Billie; 7pm HC @ St. Britius Barry; 7.30pm Home Group Drew & Billie
Thursday 8th 10.30am HC @ St. John’s Barry
Friday 9th 9-10.30am Drop in Wendy, Liz, Lyndsay
Saturday 10th 10am-4pm Rippon College study day Lyndsay
Sunday 11th 9.15am HC @ St. Britius Drew/Lyndsay;10.30am Informal @ St. John’s Barry and Wendy;11am HC @ St. Mary’s Drew/Lyndsay; 4pm-5.30pm @ St. John’s Creative Space – Celtic knot making Lyndsay & Jacky Long
1. For discussion at the next ministers meeting – a checklist for setting up church ready for services, and a reminder for ministers to include a welcome/acknowledgement to those joining us online.
2. 7th April @ Aston +Gavin will be undertaking a confirmation service. Billie to ask the older kids group if any of them would like to be confirmed. Katie is putting together a confirmation preparation course for candidates. Please advertise and let Katie know if anyone else would like to be confirmed.
3. St. Britius is holding a Pancake party on Tuesday 13th February, 6pm-7.30pm. Tickets are £7.50 to include two pancakes and a choice of savoury and/or sweet fillings. Phil & Carolyn are selling tickets.
4. Rossie is organising a lent lunch on the 23rd March, noon, The Masons Arms, Brize Norton. Please let Rossie know if you would like to book a space.
5. It was great to have Anton play at the service on Sunday at St. Britius and John Rotherham has offered to give him some lessons on the organ. It is hoped that Anton will play 1 or 2 hymns at another service in the future.
6. Kingsley, who had attended St. John’s on Sunday, is a professional drummer. Drew is keen to encourage him to share his skills with the church.
7. Repair Café on the 2nd March, 10am-12.30pm. Billie will approach Valarie Payne to see if she is available for sewing. If anyone has any other people who could help out with sewing to let Billie know.
8. Holy Week Services across the benefice – please see separate email from Billie with all the details.
9. Maundy Thursday 28th March Cancel 10.30am HC at St. John’s and replace with 7pm HC.
11am Ministry Team to Christ Church Cathedral for blessing of oils and renewal of ministerial commitment followed by team lunch. Wendy to ask Emily if she can borrow her 8 seater car to transport the team. Katie, Miles and Jessie will be making their own way and attending the leaving lunch for Toby Wright afterwards. Book in to ensure seating and to pick up your tree! Coffee and pastries across the road. Parking available to the side of the Cathedral.
10. The first planning meeting for the Death Café had gone well. 4 sessions would be offered on a Saturday morning 10am-11.30am at St. John’s – The first session would cover funerals with a funeral director and priest, a legal session with a solicitor and registrar, a medical session with a GP and Hospice nurse, and a fourth session on grieving with a counsellor and priest. Proposed dates would be 23rd March, 20th April, 18th May and 22nd June.
11. Quiet day for clergy and LLM’s 29th Feb, All Saints Church, Sutton Courtney near Abingdon. 10am-3pm. All booked in – Drew to cover the 10.30am HC at St. John’s, then join in the afternoon. Barry giving a lift to Billie. Lyndsay going with Katie.
12. Creative space in March will be on the 3rd Sunday of the month (17th) to avoid a clash with Mothering Sunday.
Date of next Ministry Team and Church Wardens meeting – Monday 4th March at 10.30am.
29th January 2024 Ministry Meeting Notes
Drew and Billie, Ian and Carol, Barry, Lyndsay, Wendy
Apologies Katie, Gary
Monday 29th Jan: 9am Assembly Wendy & Barry; 10.30am Ministry meeting; Lunch club at CC College Barry & Wendy;1pm Rob Rhodes Funeral Drew, Lyndsay (reading); 3pm Funeral planning Drew;7.45pm PCC St. John’s Drew, Carol, Lyndsay.
Tuesday 30th: 10.30am post funeral follow up visit Lyndsay; 2pm Funeral planning visit Lyndsay; 4-5pm Kids Club 5.15-6.15pm Older kids Club Billie & Wendy
Wednesday 31st: 2.45pm St. John’s assembly Drew ;4-5pm Kids Club Billie & Wendy; 7pm St. Britius HC Carol & Ian
Thursday 1st Feb: 10.30am St. John’s HC Carol & Ian; 11.30am Death Café planning meeting Billie, Drew, Katie, & Doreen (from Black Bourton); 12.30pm Creative Space planning meeting Lyndsay; 4pm online Chapter meeting Drew & Barry
Friday 2nd Feb: Drop in 9-10.30am Wendy, Lyndsay & Team
Saturday 3rd Feb: 8.30am Church Family Breakfast Sharon & Ian Harley; 10am Rippon College study day Lyndsay
Sunday 4th Feb: Readings – 2 Samuel 24:2,9-17; Mark 6:1-6a. 9.15am HC St. Britius Carol & Ian (1st time Anton playing on the organ, Barry to support); 10.30am HC St. John’s Katie & Drew; 4pm Messy Church St. John’s Barry & Wendy, Drew (worship songs)
1. Wendy wishes to continue to work following the recent death of her Nan.
2. 28 pupils came to the youth lunch club last week. Barry put forward a name of someone who could be approached to help with the CC College Lunch club.
3. Review time of Ministry Meeting after next week’s CW & M meeting, now CC College meets on a Monday to give Carol time to cook pizzas.
4. Next Wednesday Wendy is training and will need cover for the older Tuesday kids club (Billie & Drew)
5. Messy Church – age range of children 8years and under. Typical session – 15mins introducing the theme & worship – phones to airplane mode, 30mins bible craft – trumpet making, 15 mins worship, prayer and summary followed by sausage casserole. Parents Charlotte Bull & Karen Robert have been helping out during sessions. Barry leading with support from Wendy with the kids. Liz Wood away in Rome. Drew – songs. Deborah in Kitchen. Wendy gathering bookings for food.
6. Rev. Toby Wright (St. Mary’s on the green, Witney) made The Dean of Wells Cathedral.
7. 11th Feb – Informal Worship, Barry leading, Billie and Wendy supporting. Barry will ask Anton (Brize Norton) to play the keyboard.
8. Brize Meadows Lodge Care Home – HC every 2 weeks starting on Thursday 8th February at 2.30pm. Barry can cover the 8th & 22nd Feb. Review after 4 sessions. Rossie (CW Brize) also supporting this ministry. Drew to play worship songs.
9. Anton has been encouraged by Barry to play the organ at St. Britius Church. Barry to source another hymn book for St. Britius so he can practice at home.
10. Pastoral concerns were expressed for some parishioners.
Date of next meeting – Monday 5th February at 10.30, Church Wardens and ministry team, St. John’s church hall.
Ministry meeting notes 16-01-2024
Drew & Billie, Katie, Lyndsay, Wendy
Apologies – Barry meeting the Bishop, Ian & Carol away, Gary
Midweeks – Barry
Sunday 21st – 09.15 Barry; 10.30am Katie/Drew (Prayer ministers on duty Barbara Clark & Marygrace Fanshaw); 12.30pm St. John’s Baptism Katie, Amelia Summer NEWPORT; 4pm Ecumenical prayer service (week of prayer for Christian unity) Drew leading, Mike and Linda music, Sharon and Ian refreshments, Billie to advertise on FB & website, Lyndsay to text round church contacts.
Following the news that Gary needed to step back from work, the ministry team worked out the following draft plan: –
· All assemblies and Kids Clubs cancelled for this week.
· Tuesday 23rd Brize Norton school (weekly) Wend as planned; 4-5pm Tuesday Kids Club – Wend & Katie; 5.15-6.15pm Older Kids Club – Wend, Karen & Katie (to meet kids in preparation for the March informal service); 6.15pm Scouts’ faith badge – Wend to postpone for a month
· Wednesday 24th Comp – Wend to ask School if this can be moved to a Monday or Thursday (Monday preferably) & Barry to be asked if he can be Wend’s second person.
St. John’s School assembly (weekly) – Wendy already down to do. Wednesday Kids’ club – Wend, Katie & Nicki Witt
· Thursday 25th Gateway assembly (Monthly) 9.55am Wend to ask Barry, if not Katie could cover with Jessie.
· Monday 29th Carterton Primary School assembly (weekly) 9am – Wend to ask Barry
· Tuesday 30th BNS assembly (weekly) 10-10.30am postponed 4-5pm TKC – Wend & Billie; 5.15-6.15 OKC – Wend & Billie
· Wednesday 3st St. John’s School assembly (Weekly) 2.45-3.15pm Drew & Wend
· Sunday 4th Feb Messy Church at 4pm Old Testament Heros, Joshua. Leading: Barry or Drew. Food: Ian and Sharon. Billie advertising on FB and website. Wend: Hannah
· Tuesday 6th Feb Wend unavailable for older Kids club – Billie & Emily to cover
· Sunday 11th Feb – Informal Service Billie and Wend. Pancakes.
· Holiday Club – Tuesday 13th Feb, 11am to 1pm-If Barry can cover, move to the Monday.
· Nothing planned for Edith Moorehouse School – Wend will check.
1. 27th Jan Burns night fully booked now
2. Lent Quiet Day for clergy and LLM 29th Feb – All saints Church, Sutton Courtney, near Abingdon. Billie, Carol & Ian, Katie and Lyndsay booked to attend so far.
3. Creative space went well.
4. Three new people attended church on Sunday. Paula and Steve, and Velea (Ve).
5. 18th January 9.45 Benefice prayer meeting for the work of the church followed by Holy Communion.
6. Katie – Air cadets Tuesday evening. Thursday a study day on Healing and Deliverance. Baptism preparation meeting on Thursday.
7. Wend has training at Silverstone coming up which will focus on Easter. The Toddler observation day wasn’t very helpful as we already have a thriving Drop in group. Wend will ask Gary Sealy to help with putting away Drop in resources on a Friday. Lyndsay will also ask Joshua and Ian B (when not on shift) to help out after drop in. Lyndsay will also pop in to Drop in and support Wend and the team. Wend would also ask Allister to help.
2nd January 2024 – Ministry team & church wardens’ meeting
Present: Drew & Billie, Ian & Carol, Lyndsay, Wendy, Rossie, Lene
Apologies: Barry, Katie, Gary, Phil, Alister, Alison
Midweek services 3rd & 4th– Barry 3rd Jan – Warm Space starts up again. Wendy available, Billie making soup. Sunday 7th – 9.15am Barry, 10.30am Drew/Billie, No Messy Church
Tuesday 9th Kid’s clubs recommence
Wednesday 10th INSPIRE starts up again
Midweeks 10th & 11th – Ian/Carol 11th – 13th, Drew & Billie in Leeds Sunday 14th – 9.15am Drew, 10.30am Garry, 11am Drew 12.30pm St. John’s Baptism, Drew
Epiphany afternoon tea £15pp book with Rossie by Friday 5th January Raffel prizes to Rossie or box in St. Britius Church 13th January @ 4pm Humble Bumble Cafe
Benefice prayer meeting 18th January @9.45am St. John’s Church
St. Mary’s PCC 18th January @ 7pm Lene’s house
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18th -25th January Action Drew to contact ecumenical partners for more details
· The church access to the WI-FI is changing this week. Please see Drew for the new passwords and correct domain.
· Lyndsay’s homegroup will be starting an 8 session bible study course from Genesis to Revelation, showing the big picture by the bible Society on Tuesday 9th Jan, 1.30pm-3pm at Mike Watts house. There is space for a few extra people to join us.
· 10th January INSPIRE starts up again. Going forward Carol requested the dates not to be on the same day as the midweeks please.
· Prayers for Carol’s sister, Linda, recovering from a fractured hip. Carol may need to go and help look after her once she is out of hospital for a few days.
· Wendy and Drew review meeting next Monday 8th at 4pm. She will be undertaking ‘Good Practice Observation’ on the 18th January, shadowing others in a toddler group. Her next training course date will be 27th January.
Thanks were expressed for all the good work from the children’s and family’s ministry team, in the run up to Christmas.
· Proposal for a Death Café by Billie was presented and discussed. All in favour of this. Volunteers requested to help Billie organise.
· 24th March baptism Baby Pie, Katie @ St. Mary’s.
· 25th May, Laurence’s daughter marriage at St. Mary’s – Action Lene to send Drew the details.
· 23rd January, Baptism of 5 @ St. Britius Church – Barry
· Sunday 4th Feb – 9.15, St. Britius Church – Candlemas & Christingle. Swap readings with the 28th January Action Carol, Action Lyndsay & Barry. Action Gary to invite Brize School please.
· The numbers attending the Carol Service this year at St. John’s Church had dropped. It has been noticed that the Community Church Carols outside with the worship band on Christmas Eve had grown each year and attracted 200 people this year. Could we organise Carols outside in the evening around the town Christmas tree outside the Town hall? We could bring in musicians/ Military Wives Choir etc and make it an evening service. Both St. Britius & St. Mary’s Carol Services had grown in numbers this year.
· Thanks for Barry’s Posada which had gone down well with more families and St. Mary’s Church also wanting to be involved next year. Action Barry.
· Brize Meadow Lodge – Action Drew would contact to organise more dates for him and Rossie to visit.
Date of next Ministry meeting – Tuesday 9th January at 9.30am. Date of next Ministry & Church Wardens meeting – Monday 5th February at 10.30am.
4th December 2023 – Ministry team & church wardens’ meeting.
Drew & Billie, Ian & Carol, Barry, Katie (Jesse), Lyndsay, Gary, Wendy, Phil & Rossie, Lawrence & Lene, Alison. Apologies Allister.
3 weeks till Christmas!
Bible reading and prayer – Drew
Services this week Midweeks – Barry Sunday 09.15 Drew, 10.30am Garry, 11am cancelled by C. Wardens,
1. The weekend events were well attended and went well. Lots of positive feedback received. At open Church on Friday, Ian & Sharon had served 216 hot chocolates and used 60 pints of milk. Thanks to Steve & Linda Bostock who cover the cost of refreshments each year and to everyone who helped over a busy and enjoyable weekend.
2. Billie had produced a first draft of the Jan-March 2024 ministry rota. All ministers encouraged to check and inform Billie of any concerns.
3. Holiday dates to Billie as soon as possible please.
4. 4pm Sunday 10th December – Advent Creative Space, an oasis of calm and quiet at this busy time. 1.30pm Wednesday 20th December – Benefice prayer @ St. Britius. All welcome, please publicise and encourage others along.
5. The Christmas fayre at Brize Norton went very well. Carolyne has produced her annual Christmas quiz to raise funds for St. Britius, £3 a go and answers in by 7th January.
6. St. Mary’s is on track for the building project to be complete by Christmas.
7. Team ministry presents – Carol encouraged everyone to give to charity this year.
8. 31st March – Easter day, fall on the 5th Sunday of the month and would normally mean a benefice service. However, Billie has rostered Holy Communion services for each of our 3 churches.
9. A leaving bring and share lunch on Sunday was much appreciated for Ben & Bev Campion. Thank to Rosemary Day for hosting and organising.
10. 13th January, 4pm, at the Humble Bumble will be the date for the annual Epiphany party. Please let Rossie know if you would like to book a place.
11. 17th December @ 11am Rory Gallagher Baptism at Brize Norton, Barry to cover. 21st January @ 11am x5 Roberts family Baptism at Brize Norton, Barry to cover.
12. Rossie away from the 20th to the 31st December.
13. There is no HC on the 27th December @ Brize Norton.
14. 17th December there are 2 Carol Services at 6pm. Brize Norton, Drew covering. Reflections, candlelight, children involvement followed by tea/coffee and mince pies. St. John’s Lyndsay covering. Alison, Barry and Billie available for readings in Carterton. Followed by tea/coffee and mince pies.
15. Wendy’s plans for the nativity trail is up and running. There are maps and stones in church for families to collect. As they travel round there are posters with QR codes that tell the story. Families are encouraged to bring the stones back on Sunday for the no rehearsal nativity service to decorate. One family have already completed the trail and thoroughly enjoyed it. Plans for the escape room at St. John’s church on the 16th December are going well. Families are encouraged to drop in between 3pm-6pm to solve puzzles and clues. Wendy asked for volunteers. Carol/Ian on Refreshments in the kitchen for tea, coffee and mince pies, Drew, Billie and Lyndsay volunteered to help.
16. Gary and Wendy are busy again this week visiting lots of local schools.
17. On Thursday 7th December Katie will be enrolling new cadets and leaving Jesse with her father for the first time. 20th & 21st midweek services Katie will be leading the Longest Night services for anyone who is not looking forward to Christmas this year. A time to sit with God. The service was much appreciated last year.
18. The Posada has started well and people are beginning to engage with what it is all about. During its travels it will be staying for a few days at the local residential home.
Ended with prayer.
27/11/2023 Ministry team meeting
Drew, Ian and Carol, Barry, Katie (Jesse), Lyndsay, Gary, Wendy. Apologies from Billie.
4 weeks till Christmas!
Welcome back Katie, returned 2 days a week following maternity leave. Katie has training days that will take up most of these 2 days in January.
Midweek services – Barry
Sunday services, Advent 1 – 9.15 Barry, 10.30 Katie & Drew, 4pm Messy Christingle Gary & Wendy.
Sunday at noon is also Ben & Bev Campion’s bring and share leaving do at the home of Rosemary Day. DT, BT & LB going.
Friday 1st December 6pm Open Church and Carterton Christmas Lights switch on. All available ministers to be available if possible to engage with the public. Wendy is putting out advertising notices on an A frame this week.
Saturday 10am-1pm, St John’s Christmas Fayre.
Gary and Wendy have a busy week ahead.
Carol will cook pizzas for the youth group at Carterton Comprehensive College.
Lighthouse – pause until Easter. 21st January date of next meeting.
Posada plans going well. Drew and Lyndsay offered to be slipped into the rota if there are any spaces left to cover.
Benefice Prayer meeting – trailing a change to 9.45am on the 3rd week of the month from January 2024, followed by 10.30am Holy Communion. Lyndsay will produce date cards to reflect the change.
Change to ministry rota – 17th December 9.15am Katie leading and preaching with Barry supporting. John 1:6-8,19-28.
Clergy & Warden’s meeting 06.11.23
Present Allister, Wend, Barry, Lene, Phil, Carol, Ian, Gary, Alison, Rossi, Drew, Billie
Apologies Lawrence, Lyndsay
Opened in prayer
Coming up
Drew & Billie on holiday 7th – 21st
Lyndsay away 12th – 26th
Wednesday 8th St B Carol/Ian
Thursday 9th St J Carol & Ian
Remembrance Sunday:
9.45 am St J Barry & Padre Colin
10 am St B Carol
10.45 am St M Jeremy
Wednesday 15th St B Barry
Thursday 16th St J Barry
Sunday 19th:
St B/St J Barry doing both
Lighthouse Barry
80 attended messy church, children joined in worship well.
CCC Gary spoke to pastoral link she has had lots of positive feedback, Wend was complimented on her handling of a sensitive issue. 41 at Wednesday club, some also attended Messy Church. Gary doing year 7 assembly there next week, Barry to observe.
How do we get information about what’s happening in different churches? Need paper copies. Gary has made a leaflet for his target audience. Linda is making a general one? Need some way of having details of all churches. We need to have leaflets from each church to distribute, plus print off from St M website. Billie to contact Jackie re St B.
Pasada: Barry has organised material, Carol & Gill are knitting sheep! Need to get email addresses from Linda for St J, Barry will liaise with Phil re St B and also explain at services. Box needs to start journey on 1st Dec.
Brize Norton school are doing Remembrance service on Friday, Gary will join them and lead a reflection. Gary will also be working with pre-school and will bring them in to church, will tell them a Christmas story.
St B looking to have artificial silk flowers. Billie to pass on Miriam Knight’s details to ensure get reasonable quality.
Builders are working at St M, using porch. Church is currently filthy, needs to be cleaned for each event. Will cancel a couple of services and ask people to come to other churches, Nov 26th and Dec 10th, and make sure that lifts are organised. Building work is progressing well.
BCP booklet needs to be replaced at St M. Barry to look at what’s available at CRE. Billie to provide alternative.
Finance, parish share: St M fully paid. St J paid by direct debit, although having to dig into its reserves. (Funding ½ curate’s housing, Gary, Wend, Barry). St B is £1000 + short and wants to borrow from St J, they would be very grateful. St J PCC to discuss. Deadline is end of November.
Next year Parish Share is due to rise by 7%. It hasn’t gone up for last 3 years. Training costs have been allocated to parishes. £77+k to £83+k. From next year, if a benefice doesn’t meet its share one year, the shortfall will be carried forward. When it comes to appointing new clergy, if they are not paying, possible they won’t get one. Possible to have a meeting with Area Dean and finance people? Meanwhile Drew will continue to fight our corner. Discussion on priority of possible fundraising and/or evangelism.
Closed in prayer
Ministry meeting 30.10.23
Present: Gary, Wend, Barry, Carol, Ian, Billie, Drew
Apologies: Lyndsay
Lyndsay will be off work for 2 weeks. Jackie & Marygrace can run Creative Space. New daytime homegroup due to start 31st, Drew will liaise with Mike Watts about this.
This week:
11.30am Brize Norton pre-school Barry
Kintsugi 7.30pm Billie leading
Carol training re domestic abuse
Town council meeting, Barry
7.30pm evening service at St Britius, Barry
7.00pm Home group, Drew
10.30am communion at St John’s, Barry
1pm funeral Dee Bulley, Carol & Ian helping with refreshments, will lock up church after
3pm Chapter meeting
5.30pm bonfire night at Brize Norton, soup made by St Britius, Barry
7.30pm Drew leading music practice
10 – 12.30noon Repair Café, Wend & Carol doing refreshments, Drew & Billie
9.15 St Britius Barry
10.30 St John’s Drew/Barry. Adrian Norgrove, Carol Hadgraft commissioned for prayer ministry.
4pm Messy Church
Carol leading Remembrance Sunday service in Brize Norton. Will liaise with Phil.
Next meeting w wardens will be 9.30 am (just while Lyndsay is off, cos Drew has blood test at 11). Drew will contact wardens.
Holiday Club went well as did the walk on Thursday. CCC going well, building relationships. Possibly launching a youth club in March. Volunteers would need safeguarding training, starting in January.
Barry has met with RAF personnel about Remembrance Service. He will liaise w Linda re replies to invitations.
What are our priorities re Lighthouse service? Who are we trying to reach? To be discussed at review meeting.
Meeting closed in prayer.
9th October 2023 Ministry team notes
Present– Drew & Billie, Carol, Barry, Lyndsay, Gary, Wendy
Midweek services – Carol and Ian Sunday services and events – 09.15am Barry 10.30am Drew and Billie 11am Family Harvest at St. Mary’s – Gary 4pm Lighthouse – Barry leading, Drew talk, Billi & Mia Drama, theme on Mary and Martha.
Other events this week Wednesday 11th INSPIRE – Drew to organise music and songs Saturday 14th family breakfast
Drew will be away on Thursday and Friday morning as he needed to go to Leeds to offer support for his father who’s health is deteriorating.
Kitchen training – 18th October for new volunteers.
Autumn festival – Good effort that built up more interest from the flower festival last year. Sue James will be holding a washing up meeting to review and plan for next year with partner organisations.
Harvest celebration – packed church, Allister reported that 72 people had attended.
There was a mix up with the harvest food donations that caused some embarrassment for Linda Wooloff. It had been announced during the Gateway school service the previous week that food donated from the school would go to the local Carterton Food bank that Lynne Little set up. But this had not been communicated to anyone else in church. LW had been told it was all going to the Besom in Witney and, as our church link had arranged with them to receive a large donation, only to be told only half of this was going. Because donations from the school service and the Sunday service had all been put together it was therefore suggested that the donations were split between Besom and the Carterton food bank. In past years Lynn Little had collected the school’s food donations straight after the service which is why this problem had never come up before.
Linda was very grateful for the support she had from volunteers helping her to bag up and take the donations to Besom.
Wendy was thanked for her initiative in attending a retreat and a Christmas study day recently. She had found this fruitful and had brought back lots of resources and ideas.
· The Good Book Advent Calander with stickers – ‘The Adventure of Christmas’ £72 for 30 children in the Tuesday and Wednesday kids clubs. Action Wendy will send a link to Lyndsay to order these. There is money in the drop in account allocated for this purpose.
· Nativity trail for families – posters to be put up around the town with a QR code that when clicked on tells the story of the nativity. Action Wendy will work on plans and bring more details to the ministry team.
· It was also agreed to have a children’s 5ft Christmas tree (from Gary’s brother) in the church hall to the right of the kitchen hatch during advent. Over this period the children will be making Christmas crafts and prayers to display on the tree. Action Wendy and Gary
· Nativity escape room – Action Wendy to organise this event inviting families to come and crack the codes. Date to be confirmed but probably on the 16th December.
Posada – travelling nativity. Action Barry has a few knitters making sheep, Mary and Joseph and a donkey. Working to bring this to all 3 churches across the benefice.
Barry has also made some fruitful contacts with the Brize Norton pre-school and they have asked him to organise a session on the 30th October on All souls. Contacts with the brownies had also been made and Barry will offer his services to work on Brownies achieving their religious studies badge
Carol & Ian – Due to see the consultant on Tuesday for a review and also have a diocese house inspection.
Carol had organised some lifts to the Benefice service on the 29th at Black Bouton and the pastoral care team had been asked to contact members to remind them of this service.
Ladies Breakfast – Billie reported that due to lack of volunteers and support the ladies’ breakfast for November had been cancelled which was a hard but necessary decision and a disappointment to all. The situation would be reviewed for the new year. Volunteers for shopping, cooking, set up, clear away, desperately required.
Baby memorial service – 22nd October at 6pm. Billie asked for everyone to invite and publicise this service.
Family Breakfast – is meeting fellowship needs and has been successful in building relationships aims it was originally set up to do. The church has a lot to offer, could we introduce some short testimonies or other Christian content in a sensitive way, such as prayer? Can lighthouse service invitations be given out? For further prayer and discernment.
Warm Space – Billie had been delighted and surprised by Shirly and Shaun turning up to help from INSPIRE. They are also going to be taking kitchen training soon.
New Home group – Lyndsay has heard back from 4 people interested in a daytime homegroup and others who were thinking about it. Mike Watts had also volunteered to host. The first meeting would be on Tuesday 31st October 1.30pm-3pm. Please advertise at services.
Tea & Coffee – Katie and Miles had asked Lyndsay to organise drinks at Jesse’s baptism on the 28th October. She has put together a small team and has now undertaken a site visit with one of the team members to plan for this.
Safeguarding – Each leader is responsible for following the safer recruitment of volunteers and ensuring the correct level of safeguarding online training had been completed. It was identified that there was a need for a register of safeguarding training that included the name of the ministry area and group lead responsible, the name of the volunteer, date of safeguard training, level of safeguard training and date of refresher training. Billie will talk to Linda Wooloff and ask if she has capacity to pull something together. Wendy also offered to put this information into a spreadsheet document if necessary.
New Year service of thanks for church volunteers – Lyndsay was given to organise this in the new year. A list of all volunteers past (if possible) and present to be sent to Lyndsay please.
Next Benefice Service 29th October 10.30am at St. Mary’s Church
Date of Next meeting – Monday 16th October, meeting in the rectory.
Upcoming dates of note in October
12th am Area dean visit St. Britius 12.30pm Lunch with Area dean Bampton garden centre Barry pm Area dean visit St. Mary’s
13th 5pm-6pm An hour of prayer for peace St. John’s Lyndsay
14th 0830am Family breakfast St. John’s Gary & Wendy
15th 11am Harvest Service St. Mary’s Gary
3.30pm cuppa; 4pm Lighthouse 5pm Supper St. John’s Barry leading Drew talk
18th 1.30pm-2.30pm Benefice prayer meeting St. Mary’s
22nd 6pm Baby memorial service St. John’s Billie
28th 2pm Jesse Herbert Baptism St. Mary’s
29th 10.30am Benefice service St. Mary’s 4pm Benefice bereavement service St. John’s
30th TBC All Souls Brize Norton Pre-school Barry
2nd October 2023 Ministry team and church wardens notes
Present– Drew & Billie, Carol, Barry, Lyndsay, Gary, Wendy, Phil, Alister, Rossie (came in at end of meeting) Apologies Ian, Alison, Ilene, Lawrence
Midweek services – Barry- Phil & Mary away for a few days. Sunday services and events – 09.15am Drew 10.30am Gary – Harvest produce to Besom Charity – Harvest prayer cards and publicise prayer boxes and shawls. 11am service at St. Mary’s cancelled 1pm Baptism St. Britius – Barry – 4pm Creative Space St. John’s
Other events this week Wednesday 4th Warm Space – 4 volunteers had come forward to help with warm space and INSPIRE. Ian Harley is hoping to organise kitchen training in the next couple of weeks. Warm space will now run on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays and INSPIRE on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday’s of the month. Revise for January.
Friday 6th 5-6pm set up tables in church hall for Autumn Festival – any available volunteers would be appreciated. 6pm-7pm hall open for receiving entries of flowers. Saturday 7th 10.30am-3.00pm Autumn Festival. Organised by Sue James with St. John’s Church, the town council & the family centre. Sue James will be running a second hand book stall in the chancel for save the children. Carol & Jacky will be serving refreshments in the kitchen. Billie will be welcoming people in and giving out pasta pieces for people to vote for their favourite flower arrangements. In the church there will be speakers. In the car park there will be information stations and Bike repairs going on. In the family centre there will be produce, Vegetables, Cakes, chutney and jams.
Other news –
Posada – travelling nativity. Barry to organise resources and a rota for people to sign up to ‘host’ a travelling nativity for 24hrs before passing it on to the next family from the 1st to the 24th December. Each family to keep hold of one of the knitted flock of sheep before passing on. The sheep are then all returned on the 10am Christmas Eve Crib service.
Advent Candle – Gary will incorporate the lighting of the 4th advent candle with the appropriately set advent prayer at the Christmas Eve Crib Service.
Ladies’ Breakfast – more kitchen volunteers required as Sharon Harley stepped down. Jacky T will be away. Deborah Peace will continue in the kitchen but not on her own. Allister volunteered to cook in November where there will be a discussion about the future of ladies breakfast. Kitchen volunteers required.
Family Breakfast – is meeting fellowship needs and has been successful in building relationships aims it was originally set up to do. The church has a lot to offer, could we introduce some short testimonies or other Christian content in a sensitive way, such as prayer? Can lighthouse service invitations be given out? For further prayer and discernment.
Informal services – to encourage families to welcome others on the door.
Day Home group – Lyndsay has heard back from 4 people interested in a daytime homegroup. Mike Watts had also volunteered to host. It is hoped that an initial gathering would be arranged in the next couple of weeks.
Next Benefice Service 29th October 10.30am at St. Mary’s Church. Action Carol to ask the pastoral care team to contact all members reminding them of this. Action Ministry team to publicise in the notices each Sunday and Midweek services.
Date of Next meeting – Monday 9th October, meeting in the rectory.
25th September 2023 Ministry team notes
Present- Drew & Billie, Ian & Carol, Barry, Lyndsay, Gary, Wendy
Midweek services – Barry
Sunday services and events –
09.15am Drew & Billie – Harvest. Notices: Oct 29th 10.30am Benefice HC service at St. Mary’s no toilet. 10.30am Barry & Carol –incorporating Barry’s declaration of assent. Notices: Messy Church Gary; Autumn Festival 7th Oct 10am-3.00pm. Chequers Harvest lunch 4pm, 6.30pm for 7pm St. John’s Harvest Supper; 8th Oct-Harvest non-perishable goods; 22nd Baby Memorial service 6pm; 29th Oct 10.30am Benefice HC service at St. Mary’s no toilet; 29th Oct 4pm Bereavement service St. John’s, Warm Space Kitchen Help required.
Other events this week: Monday St. John’s PCC 7.45pm, Kintsugi Hope 7.30pm; Wednesday Warm Space in the morning followed by INSPIRE in the afternoon – Kitchen volunteers required; Drew & Billie Home group & meal evening – Starting Marks gospel.
Pet blessing service – Although numbers of pets were low the service went well and caused a buzz of conversation in the church.
Warm Space – Carol needs help in the Kitchen to publicise in notices at services. Butch is now helping with setting up tables and clearing away. From October warm space will be on the 1st, 3rd & 5th Wednesdays of the month and INSPIRE on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month then review. Action Carol & Wendy, will produce a flyer with the dates and give to Wendy ready to promote on Wednesday this week.
Home groups – Sue & David Edgar have discontinued their home group. Some members have joined the Tuesday Home group.
Bibles – Barry would like some free bibles to give out to families as part of his ministry. No one knew of a free source but St. Andrews book shop does have some flash sales where bargains might be picked up.
Harvest family prayer cards – Action Lyndsay will produce ready for the 8th October for the informal service and to publicise the prayer shawls during the service.
Pizza for Carterton Community College – Wendy and Carol will cook 4 pizzas each for this Wednesday’s youth group.
Next Benefice Service 29th October 10.30am at St. Mary’s Church. Action Carol to ask the pastoral care team to contact all members reminding them of this. Action Ministry team to publicise in the notices each Sunday and Midweek services.
Date of Next meeting – Monday 2nd October, Ministry and Church Wardens meeting in the church hall.
Upcoming dates of note in October: 1st October 9.15am, Harvest at St. Britius 4pm – Messy Church; 7th October – 10.30am-3.00pm Carterton Autumn Festival; 8th October – 10.30am, Harvest at St. John’s 4pm – Creative Space at St. John’s; 14th – 8.30am family breakfast; 15th October – 11am, Harvest at St. Mary’s; 3.30pm cuppa followed by 4pm lighthouse service followed by supper; 18th October – 1.30pm Benefice prayer meeting at St. Mary’s; 22nd – Baby Memorial service 6pm; 28th October – 2pm Jesse Herbert Baptism at St. Mary’s; 29th October 10.30am Benefice service at St. Mary’s 4pm – Benefice bereavement Service at St. John’s.
18th September 2023 – Ministry meeting notes
Present – Drew & Billie, Ian & Carol, Barry, Lyndsay, Wendy. Gary on holiday
Midweek services- Wednesday 20th – BN, 7pm, Barry Thursday 21st – C, 10.30am, Barry
Sunday services — 09.15am – BN, HC, Barry & Lyndsay 10.30am-C, MW, Billie & Drew with a pet blessing service. 12.30pm-C, Baptism, Drew, Ember Theobold 3.30pm- BN, Internment of Ashes -Barry 6pm- ES BCP St. Mary’s Drew
Other activities and events this week:
Monday – 7.30pm Standing Committee @ St. John’s – Drew 7pm, session 2, Kintsugi Hope @ the family centre-Billie & Louise Griffiths
Tuesday-Assembly on Noah-Carol – BN over 60’s club at Joy Douglas’ house – Drew – Kids clubs x2 – Wendy and helpers – St. John’s School governors – Drew
Wednesday-10am-12.30pm, warm space, Carol & Billie making soup -Assembly on Noah – Drew & Wendy – Billie restarts her work as a University lecturer with 2 cohorts – 1.30pm Benefice Prayer meeting @ St. Britius – all available ministers – Kids club x1 – Wendy -7pm food & 7.30pm Home Group -Drew & Billie
Thursday – Drew & Billie at an evening event so will not be at music group.
Friday- 6-8pm Clothes Drop off in the church hall – Wendy organising clothes rails & Billie making signs
Saturday-10am-12.30pm- Clothes swap @ St. John’s
Lighthouse feedback – low numbers and 2 families with children despite Lyndsay and Wendy contacting a list of 20+ families. Joshua (Lyndsay’s son) had come along and engaged well. He would like to come again next month. October lighthouse 15th – Drew & Barry would work together on putting this together. Mary & Marth. November lighthouse 19th Barry would lead. Drew, Billie, Lyndsay all away. Zacchaeus. Action Billie to email themes to Barry. Lighthouse for review at the end of the year. One possible suggestion would be to stop Messy Church and replace it with the lighthouse service. Careful consideration would need to go into this transition if decided as we do not want to lose any families. Everyone encouraged to pray into this and be open to other opportunities and possibilities.
Remembrance – Barry and Drew will be meeting to discuss planning for St. John’s Service. Drew has an information file on previous services to share with Barry. Padre Colin Weir will be in attendance and involved. Ian and Carol will speak to Phil to obtain the Remembrance service booklet for BN.
Ministry working agreements – Drew will meet with Wendy and Barry to produce these documents.
Carterton Community College Young Persons group -Last session 30 young people, influx of year 7’s that already know Gary. Carol continues to provide pizza. Soft touch strategies used to build relationships and have fun with games (UNO), quizzes etc.
Wendy – has ordered a mobile phone for work on a contract <£10 per month. – Kids club newsletter to start this week – Wendy.
Barry – will be visiting Brize Norton pre-school in Elderbank hall either this Thursday or next. – given the dates of the Christingle services in the churches and Schools. – Royal mail deliver leaflets for 6p per home and may be something we would like to consider in the future for publicity. – Chancellor’s Estate Agents used to do a free card drop to houses to publicise events but this may have stopped.
Carol – Suggested putting on a meal for those on their own at Christmas, with Boxing Day as a possible choice.
Billie – Christmas Craft Fayre. There will be 12 tables of crafts in the hall. Refreshments served in the church from the small hatch. There will be a bouncy castle and children’s activities in the church and photographic opportunities with Mrs Christmas for the children to say what they would like for Christmas. Also in the church will be paintings from Allister, a candle stall and Children’s Society stall – Proposal for a short baby loss service on the last Sunday of October (29th) in the evening for those who have had a miscarriage, Still Birth, death of a baby, or termination in the past.
11th September 2023 – Ministry Meeting Notes
Present – Drew & Billie, Ian & Carol, Barry, Lyndsay, Gary & Wendy
Services –
Midweeks – Carol & Ian Sunday 17th – 9.15am – Drew, 10.30am Drew/Billie with commissioning of 2 members of the Prayer Team, Barbara Clark and Marygrace Fanshaw (Adrian and Carol will be commissioned at a later date once they have fully completed the safer recruiting process). Banns of Marriage.
4pm – Lighthouse service – Billie organising, Barry talk.
Other activities –
Monday 11th – 7pm, Pastoral Care meeting – Carol. Apologies Billie and Lyndsay. 7pm, Kintsugi Hope in the family centre – Billie & Louise Griffiths
Tuesday 12th – Evening PCC at Black Bourton – Drew – Home Communion – Carol
Wednesday 13th – 10am-12.30pm Warm Space – Carol – afternoon Brize Norton Care Home service – Drew – evening Home Group – Drew & Billie
Saturday 16th – 0830am Men’s Breakfast Sunday 17th – Gary on Annual leave until 25th September – Assemblies covered by other members of the ministry team whilst Gary is away.
Gary & Wendy- Tuesday & Wednesday kids club restarted. Evening Tuesday youth club had 7 young people with 2 others unable to attend last week. Youth group at the Community College is going from strength to strength with 15 young people at the session.
General discussion and evaluation on the Battle of Britain / Civic Service. The Battle of Britian / Civic service is an opportunity to remember and give thanks for the sacrifice and service of others both in the past and present. As an RAF ‘garrison’ town there are many serving and ex RAF personal for whom this is an important event in the year.
In previous years the feedback from uniformed organisations (cubs, scouts, brownies, rainbows, guides, army cadets etc) was the service was too formal, too long and it was difficult to get children and their families to attend this service. The formality also then put off others attending the Remembrance Service later in November.
A number of children’s activities had been tried out during the service previously. It was hoped that this year a more interactive and less formal service, which involved the children might work better.
Whilst there were positive elements of the service, from feedback already received, it appears the overall approach on Sunday had been too informal. A number of people had perceived this as a lack of respect and had been upset. The ministry team are still open to feedback and acknowledged that we haven’t got the right balance for this service.
Room for improvement going forward –
· Uniformed organisations and ex-military associations need inviting formally to this service and the Remembrance service in good time.
· In future a robed minister would lead this service in a formally relaxed manner.
· The RAF padre could be approached to give the sermon and RAF asked to attend with a standard.
· Gary and Wendy would work together with Drew to incorporate children’s and young people’s involvement.
Harvest service – 8th October at the next informal service. Lyndsay would provide a Harvest Prayer and Kath Monkhouse is putting more prayer boxes together. Boxes and prayer shawls would be promoted.
Safeguarding – Wendy is updating the safer recruitment process for Children’s and family ministry. Once complete she will bring to PCC for formal approval.
Wendy will contact Mike Watts for a church email account. Drew gave Wendy permission to purchase a basic phone with a £10 a month contract on expenses for work. Wendy will start her course on 7th October.
Craft Fair – 2nd December, 10am-1pm. Billie reported that the craft Fair is now fully booked.
Pet Blessing service – 24th September, 10.30am. Billie reported that plans were going well.
Volunteers needed –
· Kitchen staff for warm space and Inspire desperately needed to support Carol.
· Setting up tables for Inspire and warm space to relieve Gary.
Carol will approach Carol Fothergill, Debra Pearce, Allister & Karen Holt, Linda Arter and Wendy would approach Butch. Some would require training for the Kitchen.
More volunteers needed
· To help at repair café – 4th November 10am-12.30pm.
· To help at the Craft fair – 2nd December, 10am -1am.
Warm Space / Inspire. It was agreed that people could stay in the building between warm space ending and Inspire starting as there would be others around clearing away and setting up in the 1-hour gap.
Monday 4th September 2023 – Ministry & Church Wardens Meeting Notes
Present – Drew & Billie, Ian & Carol, Barry, Lyndsay, Gary, Wendy, Lawrence, Lene, Rossie
Apologies – Phil, Alison, Allister
· Drew gave a quick church vision recap
· Wendy was welcomed to the team
Looking Forward
· Midweek 6th & 7th services – Barry
· Tuesday 5th September – Funeral of John WALTHAM, 11am, St. Mary’s Church – Lyndsay
· Wednesday 6th September – Warm Space returns, 10.30am-12.30pm, alternating toast & teacakes and soup to start with.
· Sunday 10th services – 9.15am Barry 10.30am Civic & Battle of Britain Service & Commission of Wendy – Gary & Drew
11am – Barry
· Midweeks 13 & 14th – Carol & Ian
· 12th September PCC – St. Britius
· 17th September – 10.30am Prayer Ministry Team Commission St. John’s 11am – St. Britius Baptism – Barry 1-5pm – Brize Norton Village Bash – theme ancient Egypt. Decorated vases and cake for St. Britius church fundraising. 4pm – Lighthouse St. John’s – Drew with Barry covering the talk-Jarius’ daughter
· 20th September – 2.55am Time TBC, Drew covering assembly for Gary – Noah a new beginning. Action Gary.
· 22nd September – 6-8pm drop off clothes for clothes swap
· 23rd September – 10-12noon Clothes swap (run by Carterton Environmental Awareness Group) Wendy is the link for this group.
· 24th September – 10.30am Morning Worship with an opportunity to have pets blessed at the end. People are welcome to bring along photos of pets and ashes of pets as well as live pets. Billie leading & 2 youths & Carol and Drew to participate in a drama.
· 25th September, PCC – St. John’s
· 30th September – 12 noon, Harvest Lunch at the Chequers pub, Brize Norton. Evening Harvest Supper at St. John’s Church.
· 4th October – Harvest Assembly – Drew covering for Gary
· 2nd December – Christmas Craft Fayre, St. John’s 7-8 bookings confirmed so far. Can have up to a max of 15 tables. £10 per table and provide a handmade raffle prize. All crafts must be handmade. The bouncy castle and some children’s activities will be in the church & tables in the hall. Refreshments will be available at the hatch.
Holiday dates Rossie – 13th September for 2 weeks. Gary – 17th September for 1 week & 1 week from Christmas day. Lawrence – 21st September for 2 weeks. Lene – 29th September till 11th October – Richard to cover church warden’s duties and open up. Barry – October ½ term & low week after Christmas. Lyndsay – 13th November for 2 weeks.
Carol – mentioned she had offered to plan a funeral during a pastoral care visit. This could be encouraged more. Billie – mentioned she would like to offer a Death Café next year. Inviting a solicitor, funeral director, registrar, and clergy to talk about how they help people and families at the time of death and in planning ahead.
Rossie – Lovely feedback from the baptism yesterday that Barry took. The next baptism may be cancelled as she is having difficulty contacting the family again. PCC at St. Britius need a date to meet in September – Action Drew once Phil returns from holiday.
Wendy – to have meeting with Drew, Billie and Gary to discuss training and support. Action Gary.
Gary – remarked on the importance of calling round parishioners when changes are made as some people had been caught out. Carol reminded everyone that the pastoral care team had done their best to contact everyone. Billie and Lyndsay had also contacted those known to have no transport or reduced mobility to ensure travel arrangements were in place for them.
The only change to remain, going forward, is the benefice service on the 5th Sunday of the month that will rotate round the 3 churches. This is publicised by ministers in notices slots during services, in newsletters both hard copies and in email format, and on the church website and social media pages.
Gary felt the news letters might be difficult to read as very small print. No one had complained before but if there is a need identified we could have some large print copies.
Date of next Benefice service – 29th October, 10.30am, St. Mary’s Church, Black Bourton.
There will be an older kids club on a Tuesday evening as well as the Tuesday and Wednesday kids club, which have 7 new members. Thursday kids club stopped until there are more children and for review later this year. Wendy is joining Gary on assemblies to train her up. Gary and Wendy will continue the Community College Youth lunch group. Wendy is producing a Kids’ newsletter.
Drew – needs reimbursing for the cost of printing BCP morning prayer booklets from St. Britius. Rossie will chase up Jacquie. Action Rossie St. Britius would like to continue with Holy Communion Services each Sunday. If a priest is not available, they preferred the shorter Morning Worship (Common Worship).
Date of next Ministry and Church Wardens meeting – Monday 2nd October, 10.30am, St. John’s Church Hall.
7th August 2023-Ministry team & church wardens monthly meeting.
Drew & Billie, Ian & Carol, Barry, Lyndsay, Phil, Lene & Lawrence, Allister.
Apologies – Rossie, Alison, Gary (Holiday Club).
- No midweek services.
Sunday 13th August – 09.15 BN & 11am BB HC Drew, 10.30 IW Gary. - October- December provisional services:-
St. Britius, Brize Norton | St. Mary’s, Black Bourton | St. John’s, Carterton |
Sunday 1st October 9.15am Harvest | Sunday 15th October 11am Harvest | Harvest celebration TBC ? 8th October |
Sunday 5th November Patronal service | ||
Saturday 11th November, 10am Church remembrance rehearsal followed by 11am Armistice service at the Town war memorial – Barry. | ||
Sunday 12th November 10am Remembrance service 11am War memorial laying of wreaths Ian & Carol | Sunday 12th November 11am Remembrance Service – Jeremy | Sunday 12th November 9.45am formal followed by parade to war memorial and wreath laying service – Barry. |
Sunday 17th December Candlelight Carol Service & Nativity tableau | ||
Wednesday 20th December 1.30-2.30pm Benefice prayer No midweek service | ||
Saturday 23rd December 5pm Children’s service with Father Christmas and grotto. | ||
Sunday 24th December – Christmas Eve | ||
9.15am Holy Communion 11.30pm Midnight Mass | 10pm Midnight Mass | 10.30am Crib Service – Gary 11.30pm Midnight Mass |
Monday 25th December Christmas Day | ||
10am Holy Communion TBC | ||
Wednesday 27th December No midweek service |
- 14th– 30th August & 7th – 21st November Drew & Billie holiday.
- 16th – 24th September Gary holiday
- 12th – 26th November Lyndsay holiday
- From September midweek services will restart every week at St. John’s & St. Britius.
5th Sunday of the month will remain a Benefice service in view of the many positive comments received.
1st Sunday of the month return to normal service pattern – 3rd September – 9.15am HC service at St. Britius & 10.30am Holy Communion Service at St. John’s. No Benefice service at St. Mary’s – Lene and Lawrence to get the message out to parishioners via the newsletter and services in August. Action Lene & Lawrence.
- Katie hopes to return from maternity leave in December part time (2 days per week).
- Area Dean’s visit due on the 12th October. 10am at St. Britius, then lunch at Bampton Garden Centre, followed in the afternoon by a visit to St. Mary’s.
- Allister reported that the gluten free wafers had gone missing and more were required. Going forward it was suggested that these wafers would be used for everyone at services if cost was not too expensive. Action Drew & Billie.
- Jacquie Griffin & Phil Holmes will both be away on Sunday 3rd September. Barry needs a copy of the family Holy Communion booklet Action Barry. Phil to ask Carolyn Peach if she is happy to operate the CD player for music, Action Phil.
- Sunday 27th August noon – Baptism @ St. Mary’s – Barry.
Sunday 3rd September 1pm – Baptism of Ella Hardy @ St. Britius – Barry - Thursday 7th September – church house chapel, licencing of Barry.
- St. Mary’s Church roof, kitchen, and toilet update. Awaiting news from Carterton Town Council for some funding to help with this community project. £50k had been received from the Diocesan Development Fund, this money and any money from CTC would be used for the toilet and kitchen. £20K funding from Oxfordshire Historic churches Trust, this would be use to repair the roof of the north side of the church in November. The church will remain in use during building works with a screen to shield the back area.
- Black Bourton Village Fete, September 3rd, 2-5pm to raise funds – All welcome.
A Bazar later in the year is also being planned by Lene. - Carol mentioned a course to encourage people to talk about their faith called ‘Evangelism explosion’. Drew & Billie to explore with a view to possibly rolling this out in home groups. Action Drew & Billie.
- Be Still 24/7 prayer course for home groups – Drew and Billie were already into week 3, Allister’s group plans to run this course in September. Lyndsay happy to run this course either with the videos and course materials or as a book club during the day for those not already in homegroups in September. Action Lyndsay.
- Barry’s contact details – mob 07949 654 988,
email - There will be a pet blessing service @ St. John’s church on Sunday 24th September, 10.30am – Billie. All welcome.
- Billie is organising a craft fayre to raise funds later in the year. 10 tables to be hired out to local craft people, raffle, and refreshments.
- Sunday 17th September – Drew to cover both HC services as Barry unavailable. Barry to pass onto Billie his holiday dates asap. Action Barry.
Next ministry meeting in St. John’s Church 10.30am, 14th August – Barry to lead.
Closed in prayer.
Notices to share at services & in newsletters –
- Changes to services from September – see above for details.
Midweek services to resume every week from September. - Sunday 13th August, 4pm Creative Space @ St. John’s Church. All welcome no booking required.
- Wednesday 16th August, 1.30pm-2.30pm Benefice prayer @ St. John’s church.
- Lyndsay will be running a prayer course Be Still or book club during the week in September – please contact her for more details or if you are interested.
- Black Bourton Village Fete, September 3rd, 2-5pm to raise funds – All welcome.
- Prayer requests – Rev. Barry as he settles into the Benefice and for his licencing service on the 7th September.
- 24th September – Pet blessing service 10.30am, St. John’s Church. All welcome.
Ministry meeting notes 24th July 2023
Present – Drew & Billie, Carol, Lyndsay & Gary
Ø INSPIRE – Phil bringing along his music machine to try out.
Ø 30th July Sunday – St. Britius Benefice Service at 10.30am – Drew
Carol is giving Paul a lift and checking with the home if he requires a career to accompany him. Marie had offered to give a lift to anyone in need.
Ø Family picnics to commence twice a week this week – PRAYER request for dry weather. Holiday club 7th – 11th August (no picnics that week).
Ø 10th August – Drew’s uncle’s funeral in Leeds. 14th – 31st August Drew & Billie Holiday.
Ø Rev. Barry will be meeting up with Drew later this afternoon. They will be looking at some local accommodation. Barry has Permission to officiate (PTO) in place. Drew – working on a legal letter and working agreement – awaiting support from the Diocese which has been slow to respond despite emails and phone messages. Drew hopes to have this in place and agreement for Children’s and Family Worker assistant for signing off at next PCC on Monday 31st July. Still hoping for Barry to be able to start before Drew & Billie go on holiday.
Ø Funerals – today and tomorrow – Drew.
Ø Carol & Ian away with friends 16th August – 22nd August.
Ø From September, please email Billie a copy of sermon/talk notes for inclusion on the website.
Ø Battle of Britain – slightly less informal worship service on the 10th September with the children interviewing prominent members of the RAF/Town council.
Ø Gary had heard that some older members of the congregation had left to go to the Methodist church. Therese Ingram had moved months ago but no one else was known of. There were several members who are know to be away visiting family members at present.
Ø Several confidential pastoral care issues were discussed and appropriate care in place.
Ø Carol was planning to invite Norma Alahendra to talk about her experiences and book at Morning Worship on August 27th.
Ø At the next lighthouse service Drew will lead the discussion.
Ministry Team meeting 17.07.23
Present: Drew & Billie, Carol & Ian, Gary
Apologies: Lyndsay
This week:
Monday: Standing Committee 7.30pm Drew
Tuesday: Carterton Primary School Leaver’s service 9.15am Gary
St John’s Primary School end of year service 10.00am Gary
Edith Moorhouse 2.30pm Gary
Funeral Roy Oakey 1pm Drew
School Governor’s meeting 7pm Drew
Wednesday: Coffee, Cake & Chat 10.00am Carol & Wend
Benefice prayer meeting St M 1.30pm All welcome
Holy Communion St B 7pm Drew
Deanery Synod 7.30pm Carol
Home Group 7.45pm Drew
Thursday: Holy Communion St J 10.30am Drew
Friday: Brize Norton School 9.00am Gary
Sunday: Holy Communion St b 9.15 Lyndsay/Drew
Morning Worship St B 10.30pm Lyndsay
Baptism St M 12.30pm Drew
Evening prayer St M 6.00pm Jeremy
Lighthouse: Could we have invited other people? Nearly all church people. Feedback meeting might clarify what we are doing, is it too confused? Do we continue or stop now? Currently it’s not much different to a normal service.
Battle of Britain/Civic service: Should be on 17th September (nearest Sunday) but Station Commander and Padre will be in Westminster for this so could it be on a different day? Possibly on 10th incorporated into informal service? Theme: serving others, with children interviewing Station Commander, Mayor & Deputy Mayor, Drew asking how is your organisation serving others? Gary to bring this together in his talk and also bring in Battle of Britain as an act of serving others.
Assistant Children & Families’ Worker: this will be discussed at Standing Committee.
Gary: ten picnics planned, 2 a week except for holiday club (just 1) over holidays.
Meeting closed with prayer
26-06-23 Ministry Meeting notes
10.30am Drew & Billie, Ian & Carol, Lyndsay, 11.30am Gary.
1. All agreed that yesterday’s ordination of Katie at Dorchester Abbey, followed by a picnic lunch and a 6pm Holy Communion at St. Mary’s had gone well. All those who attended appeared to have enjoyed it very much.
2. Drew & Carol enjoyed doing their assemblies this week.
3. Drew & Billie holiday dates – 14th -31st August & 7th – 21st November.
4. Services & events this week:
o Midweeks – Drew.
o Date of next Midweeks – 19th & 20th July.
o Tuesday 27th June Ian and Carol meeting with Bishop Gavin and HR.
o Wednesday 28th June INSPIRE 2pm-4pm. ‘WOW’ What’s on When, from West Oxfordshire coming. Drew leading home group. Drew volunteered to assist with singing and tables if required.
o Thursday 29th June – Valedictory Service with Carterton Community College. Gary liaising with the school, Drew asked to welcome at the start, Ray on AV. Action Gary will check Ray is available.
o Saturday 1st July 1pm Baptism of Lili Fern at St. John’s – Drew.
Saturday 1st July – Children’s play day on Carterton recreation ground – Gary.
o Sunday HC at 10.30am St. Mary’s Church, Black Bourton – Drew.
o Sunday Baptism of Juliana Jones 1pm St. Britius Church – Drew.
5. Drew encouraged everyone to promote the new changes to the service rota in a positive, calm, and patient way. Signposting those who need a lift to Carol.
6. Good news that 2 applications had been received for the part time post of vicar for a year. David Tyler, Archdeacon, Drew, Alison, and Lyndsay would be shortlisting on Tuesday evening and interviews on the 10th July in the morning.
7. Action Drew to discuss with Phil to ensure they have at least 40 communion glasses, non-alcoholic wine, and gluten free bread, hymn books for Benefice Holy Communion services. Drew is producing a BCP matins service booklet for use at morning prayer at St. Britius. Action Lyndsay to discuss with Lene the same requirements- Lene will need Gluten free bread and our glass holder and glass for non-alcoholic wine. She will let me know if they do not have enough hymn books, service books and non-alcoholic wine but thinks they do have these.
8. Coffee, Cake, and Chat will stop during the month of August and resume in September. The team will discuss with attendees if they would be happy to make a small donation, say £2, for soup & bread over the winter months. Action Billie & Carol.
9. Lighthouse service in July – Drama will be replaced this month with a panel of Gary & Drew answering some of the questions that came up from the service in June. Action Drew to organise the talk. Action Gary to invite families. Action Carol to organise prayer activity.
10. Carol to supply 4 cooked pizzas for the CC College, Gary to pick up from Carol’s. Action Carol & Gary.
19/06/2023 Ministry Meeting notes
Drew & Billie, Ian & Carol, Lyndsay
Monday 19th June | 10.30am Ministry meeting. |
Tuesday 20th June | 11am ecumenical clergy meeting – Drew |
Wednesday 21st June | 10am Coffee, Cake & Chat – Billie & team 1.30pm Benefice prayer @ St. Britius Church – Ian & Carol & Lyndsay Pm St. John’s assembly -Drew 7pm HC St. Britius Ian & Carol 7 pm Home group Drew & Billie |
Thursday 22nd June | 10.30am HC St. John’s Ian & Carol Eve. Drew & Billie to Bristol overnight |
Friday 23rd June | Wedding rehearsal at St. Mary’s – Drew |
Saturday 24th June | Wedding @ St. Mary’s – Drew |
Sunday 25th June | 10.30am Dorchester Abbey, ordination to priesthood Katie 6pm HC at St. Mary’s – Katie/Lyndsay |
- Drew fed back on the interest expressed to the part time vicar post – closing date for applications 25th June.
- Review of the lighthouse service – Lots of positive feedback received from those attending.
- The interactive style across all the elements of the service was how people had expected this type of service to deliver.
- Worship songs with live music worked better than trying to follow new songs on YouTube.
- Timings need to be tighter and/or slightly extend the timing by an extra 15mins??
- Comments / suggestion box went down well with most people engaging with this and some interesting things being written.
- Short discussion on how the ministry team could be more visible in the 3 communities of Brize Norton, Carterton & Black Bourton. Needs more discernment especially in the light of our current situation.
- Discussion on the diverse range of skills and expertise each minister brings to the team and acknowledgement that this is a positive thing. The team is aware that some parishioners are still grieving the loss of SB and how this is a natural and normal process when a minister moves on. Pastoral support has been and continues to be given to support them.
Acceptance that whilst all ministers are working hard and to the best of their abilities, in difficult circumstances we currently find ourselves in, we will never be able to please everyone and again this is normal for any church. All agreed on the importance of supporting each other with compassion, love, prayer, and pastoral support going forward.
- Publicity on the new service arrangements. Particularly the first Benefice service of HC at St. Mary’s Church, Black Bourton on the 2nd July at 10.30am.
- Drew to inform St. John’s PCC & church wardens.
- Carol to contact the pastoral carers and ask them to let each group member know.
- Billie will update the church FB page & the website.
- Drew & Billie will organise & put-up posters on the outside notice board and on the church doors.
Going forward the new dates and services will be advertised in the newssheet which comes out the week before the start of the following month.
Ministers to ensure they publicise this great opportunity to meet up with fellow Christians in collective worship and experience slightly different types of service! 🙂
Sunday July 2nd – Joint Benefice HC 10.30am St. Mary’s Church, Black Bourton, 4pm Messy Church St.John’s
Sunday July 9th – 9.15am HC St Britius; 10.30am Informal Worship, St. John’s; 11am HC St. Mary’s
Sunday 16th July – 9.15am BCP Matins, St Britius; 10.30am HC St. John’s; 4pm Lighthouse
Wednesday 19th – 7pm HC St. Britius
Thursday 20th – 10.30am HC St. John’s
Sunday 23rd – 9.15am HC St. Britius; 10.30am MW, St John’s; 6pm ES BCP St. Mary’s
Sunday 30th – Joint Benefice HC 10.30am HC St. Britius Church
Ministry meeting notes 12th June 2023
Drew & Billie, Ian & Carol, Lyndsay, Gary
Monday 12th June 7pm Pastoral Care meeting – Carol, Billie
Tuesday 13th June 7.30pm Annual Visitation service for swearing in church wardens at St. Giles Church at Standlake.
Wednesday 14th June INSPIRE 2-4pm Ian & Carol 7pm HC St. Britius – Drew
Thursday 15th June 10.30am HC St. John’s – Drew
Friday 16th June
Saturday 17th June Creation Day at Diocesan house Oxford – Drew & Billie
Sunday 18th June FATHER’S DAY 9.15am & 10.30am HC Drew/Lyndsay 4pm Lighthouse – Drew & Billie leading Drama – Billie & team AV – Stephen Hester Prayer activity – Lyndsay Food & drink – Carol, Deborah, Jacky Gary – Annual leave till 25th June.
· Drew –
o reported that there had been interest in the Oxford Diocese advert for a part time clergy position. Closing date 25th June.
o The next funding board to look at applications will sit in September which is disappointing as Gary would like to plan for the work ahead and hoped the part time Children’s and Family Worker would be in post before this. Drew to approach the PCC to request funding for this post to allow the process of employment to go ahead.
o The new Brize Meadow care home is now open with 7 residents and places for up to 66 care residents. Drew has approached the manager and will be going in once a month starting from Wednesday 12th July in the afternoon to sing hymns and chat. Members of St. Britius Church will be approached to support this work and offer lifts to some of the residents who may wish to join St. Britius Church.
o Drew & Billie had recently attended a Disability Study Day. Main take home thought was not to make assumptions abut the needs of disabled people and instead work with them to find out what they need. Each parish is encouraged to have a Disability Champion. Drew had someone in mind to approach for this role and would be seeming them this week.
· Gary –
o Was encouraged with how the informal service had gone on Sunday. Jason shared some poems he had written; Tracy and William shared some testimonies that had connected with others.
o Only 1 child had turned up for the new Thursday kids club and 6 others had been busy. Wendy was now in training to lead this group till the end of July.
o 17-18 young people now attended the lunch group at Carterton Community College and Wendy was again in training to assist Gary with this work. AJ a pupil had been recruited to help with the AV at Messy Church.
o Behaviour had improved at Messy Church after Gary was firm about the responsibilities of parents.
o The last session of Drop-in may be cancelled due to volunteer illness.
· Billie –
o Volunteered to put together a Risk Assessment for the lighthouse service.
o The new ministry rota was nearly ready.
o BCP matins order of service would be needed for St. Britius Church.
o Organizing a pet blessing service at St. John’s in September.
o Deanery feedback – Drew needs to take more holiday time, possibly in Sept/Oct.
· Carol –
o Volunteered to set up a lift sharing sign up sheet for Katie’s ordination and St. Mary’s evening HC on 25th June. Ben Campion was organising lifts at St. Britius church and it was thought that Lene & Lawrence were doing the same at St. Mary’s church.
· Lyndsay –
o Had asked Gary to give her the contact details of 5 families that she could call and personally invite to the lighthouse service and build relationships with. Others in the ministry team were happy to do the same. Gary to send a contact list to other ministers.
5th June 2023 – Ministry team and church wardens meeting.
Present – Drew & Billie, Gary, Lyndsay. Church wardens Phil & Rossie, Lawrence & Lene. Apologies – Ian & Carol. Church wardens Allister & Alison.
· Drew has been diagnosed with shingles but feels well enough to carry on for now.
This week’s services – 7th June Wednesday BN at 7pm Carol & Ian BN 8th June Thursday C at 10.30am Carol & Ian 11th June Sunday C 8am Drew, BN 9.15am Drew, C 10.30am Informal Worship Gary, 11am BB HC Drew including x2 baptisms. C 4pm creative space Lyndsay.
1) Drew & Billie away Tuesday-Thursday on a course.
2) Lyndsay & Carol away at LMM conference from Friday pm – Sunday pm.
3) Proposed changes to services – Following on from the document regarding proposed changes to the service rota that everyone had had a chance to look at and reflect upon, Billie produced the ministry rota for July – September for us to see. A robust discussion was had covering the reality of the situation we currently find ourselves in and possibly for the foreseeable future. A proposal was put forward to move the midweek service at St. Britius and St. John’s to the week following the 3rd Sunday of the month. Billie will rework the service rota to incorporate this and change morning worship at St. Britius Church on the 3rd Sunday to BCP matins. It was noted how much time Billie is putting into the production of and reorganisation of the ministry rota as changes occur.
4) Drew reported he had managed to arrange cover for their 2week holiday from 14th – 31st August.
5) The advert of a temporary vicar post is now live on the Diocese website. Closing date is the 25th June.
6) Rossie suggested Drew approach the RAF chaplaincy and the Rev Dr Budd, her friend from Oxford who might be able to cover the occasional HC service, though he does not have PTO (permission to officiate) at this time.
7) St. Britius Baptisms – 2nd July 1pm Juliana Jones-Drew 6th August 3pm Carly Adams (mum) x2 girls – Rossie to change the time of baptism so Drew can cover service, or alternatively to ask Bishop permission for LLM’s to cover. 3rd Sept Ella Hardy 1pm – Drew
8) St. Mary’s Baptisms, Weddings and events- 11th June Baptism – Drew
17th & 18th flower festival with Songs of Praise on the 18th-Jeramy covering. 24th June Wedding – Drew 16th July (TBC) Baptism Kirsty Storker (mum) Harley – Drew 27th August Baptism- Miles covering
Monday 30th May – ministry meeting notes
Present – Drew & Billie, Ian & Carol, Lyndsay.
Apologies Katie AL today & tomorrow then maternity leave. Gary unwell.
This week’s events and services-
Monday 30th May 10.30am ministry meeting all available ministers
Tuesday 31st
Wednesday 24th 10 – 11.30 Coffee, cake & chat – Billie & Jacky
7.30pm BN HC – Ian & Carol 7pm
Drew & Billie Home group-The theory of everything film bible study.
7.30pm Prayer ministry training (6) – Lyndsay
Thursday 1st Katie starts Maternity Leave. 10.30am HC St. John’s – Ian & Carol
4pm Deanery Chapter meeting TBC Drew & Ian
Friday 2nd
Saturday 3rd 10am-12.30pm Repair Café
Sunday 4th
Trinity Sunday 9.15am BN HC Drew
10.30am C HC Lyndsay/Drew
Gary had messaged the FB prayer app over the weekend asking for prayer as he was unwell.
· A document entitled ‘changes to pattern of services offered across the Benefice’ was shared and discussed as a proposed way forward until the clergy availability situation improved. Drew has discussed with all church wardens & David Tyler the Archdeacon, and there will be further discussion at the CW & Ministers meeting next week with possible implementation from July. See below for further details.
· The 1-year associate priest post advertisement was progressing slowly through the correct legal channels. Diocese HR would like further changes and information made before it is ready to be advertised on the Oxford Diocese website.
· Carol & Ian were waiting to hear back from Diocese regarding his next health & ministry review. However, Ian does not feel ready to take on further ministry at this time.
· 25th June at 10.30am. Hopefully Katie will be ordained as a priest at Dorchester Abbey dependent upon when baby decides to make an appearance. Lift sharing to be encouraged please.
· Lyndsay asked if we could resume sharing the peace at HC services which was agreed by all. Those who would prefer not to share the peace by shaking hands to leave their hands in their lap or wave only.
· As a way of encouraging others to join home groups it was suggested that we publicise in the notices what each home group is doing. E.g. Drew & Billies home group will be starting a study on the film The theory of Everything. Lyndsay would contact home group leaders and ask for this information and also if all home groups would consider running the 24/7 Be Still course in September. Lyndsay was willing to run a group for those not already in a home group, possibly during the day. Money could be used from the discipleship fund to purchase individual books. Lyndsay to provide ministers and HG leaders with more information.
Be Still – Explore the simple, transformative practice of a daily quiet time with God. £9.99 currently at St. Andrews book shop.
· 18th June Lighthouse service at 4pm.
o Drew & Billie to send out order of service
o Billie to check with Jacky Thomas if she can cook a meal. If not Billie to whip up a mac & cheese.
o Carol to organise tea & coffee at the start.
o Lyndsay to organise a prayer activity.
o Billie to write a drama and organise volunteers.
o Billie/Drew talk
o Drew music
o AV – Drew/Billie to approach – Stephen Hester/Bob Monkhouse/ Mike Cox
· Carol gave her apologies that she would be unable to attend next Monday’s meeting as she was taking a funeral.
· Drew made us aware that the St. Britius organ had blown a fuse during the service. Carol mentioned that the organ had also stopped working at one stage just before a funeral but they had managed to get it sorted. Phil Holmes is organising an electrician to have a look at it.
· Billie mentioned that she is keen to organise a Pet blessing service in July but thought workload made this unlikely again this year.
Monday 22nd May – ministry meeting notes
Present – Drew & Billie, Katie, Lyndsay & Gary.
A/L Ian & Carol
This week’s events and services-
Monday 22nd May 10.30am ministry meeting all available ministers 7.45pm PCC – Drew, Lyndsay, Carol
Tuesday 23rd
Wednesday 24th 10 – 11.30 Coffee, cake & chat – Billie & Jacky 7.30pm BN HC – Billie & Drew 7.30pm Prayer ministry training (5) – Lyndsay
Thursday 25th 10.30am HC St. John’s – Billie & Drew
Friday 26th Lyndsay away for the weekend
Saturday 27th
Sunday 28th 9.15am BN HC Drew/Billie 10.30am C MW Drew/Billie 6pm Evensong 6pm Drew Katie’s last Day – 29 & 30th AL then maternity leave. Diocese has not yet agreed to Katie returning in September.
· Through the month of May Billie is walking a mile a day for Dementia UK. She is happy to receive any sponsorships.
· 25th June, 10.30am @ Dorchester Abbey, Katie is hoping to be ordained, depending on the date of arrival of her and Miles’ first child. Plans to be publicised – encourage lift sharing and bring along a picnic for after the service. Cancel 8am, 9.15am & 10.30am services as Drew needs to be involved at Katies ordination. Katie will be celebrating her first Holy Communion Service the same day at 6pm, St. Mary’s Black Bourton. Again, lift sharing to be encouraged.
· Review of lighthouse service launch – overall went well. Some fringe and a new family attended and Gary reported that 4 families who said they were coming didn’t turn up on the day. Good to have support from the main congregation, also some from Coffee, Cake and Chat attended and 1 member from the methodist church. Drew mentioned that a child wouldn’t eat the vegetarian meal. Next Month – 18th June, Gary, Ian & Sharon away. ?Jacky Thomas to cook or Billie. Drama & reading Billie. Lyndsay prayers & Drew leading.
· Katie noticed that the prayer tree had been removed from church. Lyndsay had noticed it in the back room and offered to put it back in church.
· Cleaning – Drew to bring up at the PCC meeting as this will be the last week Alison will clean. ?? small gift and letter of appreciation for her from the PCC.
· Gary joined the meeting at this point and asked permission to use the rectory garden for Messy Church on Sunday 3rd September. Granted, Drew & Billie will be away and the lawn may need cutting.
· Lyndsay reported that the prayer ministry training was going well. Plan for a commissioning service on 4th June during the HC service. Lyndsay will organise badges and certificates. She will also discuss with the team when and how they will operate in the future. To ask Steve Bostock to take photos to add to the notice board in the hall.
· It was noted how busy Drew was last week covering all services across the Benefice as well as a Wedding on Saturday. Drew is again covering all services across the Benefice this week. Billie mentioned that they are finding it a challenge to take time off without squeezing it between services. Revd. Sue S had pulled out of temp post.
Discussion around the lack of clergy availability now that Drew is the only priest in the team able to undertake Holy Communion Services, he will be taking some annual leave in August and the lack of available priests to cover within the Deanery. It was noted that the health of Drew, Billie, Ian and Lyndsay should be taken into consideration and also the impact of caring for Ian on Carol. Occ. Health review at the end of May for Ian. The impact of Gary’s workload was noted as well. Drew will discuss further with the Arch Deacon either later today or tomorrow (Tuesday).
· Gary fed back that Wendy had been attending some of the Youth Sessions at CC College on a Wednesday with him and had a good rapport with the youth. Wendy has said that she would be unable to keep on helping Gary from September. Prayer required into identifying which parents might be approached to assist Gary in his ministry. Drew to discuss with the PCC tonight the application to the Diocese Development Fund for a paid post. The Thursday kids club on hold.
Monday 15th May – ministry meeting notes
Present – Drew & Billie, Katie, Lyndsay & Gary.
This week’s events and services-
Monday 15th May | am assembly CPS- Gary 3.15 – Gateway after school club – Gary 7.30pm Standing Committee – Drew 7pm Baptism meeting – Billie |
Tuesday 16th | am assembly BN- Gary 11am Carterton ecumenical ministry meeting – Drew 3.30pm – Kids Club – Gary Black Bourton PCC meeting – Drew 6.45pm Town Council prayer support – Lyndsay |
Wednesday 17th | am Billie & Drew medical appts 10 – 11.30 Coffee, cake & chat – Jacky Thomas & Katie visiting. 12.30-CC College youth group – Gary 1pm BB Funeral Service followed by burial – Lyndsay 1.30-2.30pm Benefice prayer meeting – Drew/Billie 3pm Assembly St. J- Gary 3.30pm – kids club Gary 7.30pm 7.00pm home group – Billie leading BN HC – Drew |
Thursday 18th | 10.30am HC St. John’s – Drew Evening wedding rehearsal – Drew >Stratford |
Friday 19th | am – Drop in St. John’s- Gary |
Saturday 20th | 8.30am Men’s breakfast am-Drew & Billie return from Stratford pm Wedding – Drew |
Sunday 21st | 9.15am BN HC Drew/Billie 10.30am C HC Drew/Billie 1pm BN Baptism – Drew 4pm C Lighthouse launch – Drew/Billie/Gary/Lyndsay |
Interim minister possible appt – Drew updated on the position so far. Sue Spankie has been invited to a meal at the rectory on the 23rd May and we are hoping she could meet the PCC at May’s meeting.
Revd. Cedrick Reavley from Burford had also offered to help with HC services which Drew would follow up on.
Discussion around Gary’s work load and possible development fund application. He identified that he needs to stop the Gatehouse after School Club at the end of the term.
The following people were identified as possible helpers for Gary to approach – Emily, Wendy, Leah, and Karen. Wendy had already been approached to lead a new Thursday Kids club till the end of term. Gary will review what he is committed to and is there anything he can step back from/delegate/stop.
Ministry team meeting 9th May 2023
Present: Katie, Billie, Drew, Gary (arrived 10.45)
Apologies: Carol & Ian, Lyndsay
Coronation weekend: 20 people watched the ceremony on the big screen thanks to Ian for AV and for all the decorations. Children’s tea parties went really well, lots of good conversations, 12 more people signed up for Gary’s mailing list.
Next week:
- Inspire Drew (Nicky Witt, Sandie Bayliss & Jackie Long in kitchen; Mike Watts doing a quiz)
- St B: Drew
- St J Drew
- 12.30 funeral at St B: Drew
- Followed by St B pilgrimage to Christ Church: Drew
- 8.00 Drew
- 9.15 Drew/Billie
- 10.30 Gary
- 11.00 Drew/Billie
- 12ish APCM Please wait for Drew to return
- 4.00 Created Creative Lyndsay et al
Lighthouse: need to have invitations in church, need order of service. Gary will email all the families.
Katie’s ordination: may be June 25th depending on baby. Either Sue Spankie can do services or offer 8 a.m. communion and then everyone makes their own way to Dorchester Abbey (lift sharing).
Closed in prayer.
2nd May 2023 – Minister & Church Wardens’ meeting.
Present – Drew & Billie, Carol, Lyndsay, Phil & Rossie, Lawrence & Lene, Allister. Apologies – Ian, Katie, Gary (joined the meeting at 1045), Alison
10.30am Drew opened in prayer.
Services for the coming week
Midweek services & Coffee, cake & chat– Ian & Carol Sunday 7th May 09.15am & 10.30am Drew leading, Katie preaching. 3 banns of marriage at St. John’s. 4pm Messy Church – Gary leading
Coronation plans St. Britius – Bell ringing on day of coronation. Picnic on the rec on Monday afternoon. St. Mary’s – Bell ringing on day of coronation. St. John’s – from 10am screening of the coronation. 7th May – Sunday service celebrating the coronation and using the Church of England Coronation service liturgy. Sunday picnic in the rectory garden after the morning service. Carterton Market Square, 2pm-4pm – Children’s and family team helping at the town’s children’s picnic in the afternoon and Liz is organising a craft activity.
APCM – Only St. John’s on the 14th May after the morning service left to do.
Appointment of Rev. Sue Spankie (husband Gordon)– Drew gave an update. Previous deputy head of school and interested in intergenerational worship. Draft person specification shared for the post. Drew is working with the Diocese to ensure all legalities are met regarding advertising in the church newsletter, interview process and safely recruiting. 2 ½ week days plus Sundays. Hoping to be in place by late June/early July all being well. The other churches were asked to contribute to the cost of post, exact details to be decided.
Lyndsay – Please encourage people to let me know if they would like to come along to Creative Space at St. John’s on the 14th May, 4pm and every second Sunday of the month. We are all made in the image of God the greatest creator of all things good. So, whether we recognise it or not we are also creative beings. Creative Space is an opportunity to carve out some quality time in our busy lives once a month, to be with, and to allow the Holy Spirit to explore our creativity. It’s a quiet, prayerful time where you will be led through the process with a variety of resources available to help you. If you are over 18years old, do come and join us on the 18th May at 4pm, St. John’s church hall for our next session. Please let Lyndsay know if you would like to join us on 07783 650 793.
Lawrence & Lene – St. Mary’s 17th May Lyndsay leading a funeral & burial. 20th May Josh & Amber Wedding led by Drew 11th June 11am HC service Lene to ask Rev. Mark Thomas if he could lead & preach. A faculty is now in place for the building work and if funding comes through it is hoped to begin work in June/July for a new toilet and kitchen space. The Wednesday bible study group is now in recess until September.
Rossie & Phil – St. Britius At the April baptism £185 had been donated. 7th May baptism cancelled following a diagnosis of leukaemia in the child. Family devastated and Rossie to do a home visit to offer support. 21st May next baptism. 11th June is National Gardens open day with 11 gardens opening. The church is also holding a flower festival between 1-6pm. All invited to come along.
Carol reported that Ian is currently leading every other midweek service, INSPIRE, and a recent home communion.
Allister – following a question from Billie, he reported that the home group he and Stephen led is now meeting in the church which suited members of the group better due to ongoing covid concerns and having more space in church rather than a home setting.
Gary – reported he had been working on a funding application to the Oxford Diocese project fund for an assistant for him. To email to Drew for discussion at the next PCC meeting. Wendy will be leading a new Thursday kids club under the supervision and training of Gary. Gary suggested that there is too much reliance on social media which not everyone has access too. There is a need to offer personal invitations to the next clothing swap shop and other planned events.
Billie – Would like to see an opportunity for the lighthouse service to offer a space for adults to ask questions about church & faith. All appeared to agree that this was a good idea. Will be putting an Annual Pet Blessing Service proposal together. This is something she & Drew had previously been involved in and had experience leading.
Meeting closed in prayer.
Ministry Team meeting 24.04.23
Present: Lyndsay, Katie, Ian, Gary, Carol, Billie, Drew
This week:
- Monday
- Deanery Synod
- Tuesday
- St Mary’s APCM
- Wednesday
- Inspire
- St Britius Drew
- Thursday
- St John’s Drew
- Friday/Saturday
- Clothes Swap Shop
- Sunday
- St Britius Drew
- St John’s Lyndsay/Drew
- Brize Meadow Prayer Walk 3pm
Ian and Carol took mid week services last week and they went well.
- Summer: picnics and holiday club planned
- 3rd December Messy Church/Christingle
- 10th December No Rehearsal Nativity
- 24th December as a crib service instead of MW
Prayer Ministry training starting on Wednesday evenings (Alison, Marygrace, Michele, Stephen H, Barbara C, Adrian)
Meeting closed in prayer
Ministry Team 17.04.23
Present: Drew, Billie, Carol, Ian, Gary
Apologies: Lyndsay, Katie
Brize Norton APCM attended by Ian & Carol, all smooth, Rosemary will join PCC and keep the electoral roll.
Ian starting back 5 hours/week this week (alternate weeks – midweeks and INSPIRE)
This week:
Monday Standing committee
Wednesday St B Carol/Ian
Thursday St J Carol/Ian
- St B Drew
- St J Billie/Drew
- St M Jeremy
Men’s Bible Study, Drew can’t do this so needs to talk to Steve B
Gary exploring an application for grant from Diocese for support for part time assistant youth worker. Gary to send application form to Drew. Drew to talk to PCC as well.
May 10th INSPIRE Carol & Ian away, Carol to organise Sandie and Nicki to do refreshments, and Mike & Janet to run a quiz. Drew to run it.
Clothes Swap Shop – Billie to send info to Gary.
Meeting closed in prayer
Ministry team 27.02.23
Present: Katie, Carol, Ian, Billie, Drew, Lyndsay, Gary,
Apologies: Stephen
Opened with prayer
This week:
- St J PCC
- Warm Space
- Kintsugi
- St B Stephen/Carol
- St J Stephen/Carol
- WDP service 7pm
- Ladies’ breakfast
- Barn Dance
- St B Drew/Katie
- St J Drew/Katie
- Refresh meeting
- Messy Church
Lyndsay taking over promoting monthly prayer meetings.
Gary: CCC had 16 children attending last week 😊
Drew to set up meeting of home group leaders, consider studying same material sometimes. With Stephen leaving, is this the time to review membership, new group, change of meeting times etc?
Thy Kingdom Come resources available soon, Lyndsay to link with prayer ministry, ask people to make a public commitment by signing up.
Ended with prayer
Ministry meeting 20.02.23
Present: Carol, Ian, Billie, Drew, Gary, Lyndsay
Apologies: Katie, Stephen
Opened with prayer
This week:
- Wednesday
- Warm Space
- Inspire
- Kintsugi
- St B Drew
- Thursday
- St J Drew
- Friday
- Alan’s funeral
- Saturday
- Repair Café
- Sunday (Matt 4 1-11)
- St B Drew
- St J Carol/Drew
- St M Drew
Refresh: next meeting 5th March, good team of volunteers, can all work together to lead it.
Gary starting after school club at Gateway. CCC lunch time kids came to help at Games afternoon.
Coronation: 7th May service to celebrate, encourage everyone to join community lunch (on rec?) with big St John’s flag. Liz has organised children joining craft activity instead of Messy Church.
No Messy Church on April 2nd : Joining ecumenical craft activity at Methodist Church 2-4pm on April 1st.
Lyndsay to organise monthly prayer meetings. Next one is March 15th.
Closed with prayer
Ministry team meeting 13.02.23
Present: Katie, Drew, Billie, Lyndsay (on zoom), Carol, Ian, Stephen, Gary
Began with prayer and reflection, Genesis 33.
All three PCCs have unanimously said that they’re happy for blessings of same sex couples to be in church but no-one is expected to do blessings/attend if they’re not comfortable with it.
Next week:
- Warm Space, Kid’s Ministry Team coming, need to clear up quickly
- Prayer meeting 1.30 in Charlie Luke
- Thanksgiving service 1.30 Katie
- St Britius Steven
- St John’s Stephen
- Family breakfast
- St B Drew/Katie
- St J Carol/Stephen
- Baptism, Millie Woodward
Billie to order gluten free wafers, these should on a separate patten and be offered for people to take themselves, not handled by anyone else. Meanwhile, Katie will bring gluten free bread.
Ended in prayer
Ministry team and CW’s meeting 6th February 2023
Present: Carol, Alison, Katie, Rossi, Drew, Billie, Stephen, Lyndsay, Allister, Gary
Apologies: Ian
This week:
- Social Media committee meeting
- Local House of Prayer meeting
- Warm Space
- Kintsugi
- St B: Drew
- St J: Drew
- St J Drew/Billie
- St J (informal) Gary
- St B Drew/Billie
- St M Drew/Billie
There are 2 bank holiday Mondays in a row so we will have Team and CW’s meeting on Tuesday 2nd May
No date set for Alan’s funeral, but we think the wake will be in church.
Drew talking to retired ministers to see if any cover available. Possibly Sue Spankey might be able to help. Archdeacon is aware that there will be resource issues.
Gary arrived.
Allister happy that people have responded to his ‘rant’ in church: cleanliness, putting chairs back, washing etc. People do need to be reminded occasionally.
St B: Just had a good PCC meeting, congregation seems to be growing.
Mothering Sunday is 19/3 – will men be making posies? Who will organise this if Mike Cox is away? Billie to check with Mike.
Lyndsay has been given £40 to help with cost of prayer boxes, she will use this to get some more crosses.
Created Creative preparations going well, Lyndsay to talk at St M, has prayer cards to go out. Limit of 15 can be signed up. She has talked at St B.
Sat 1st April 2-4pm Easter Workshop, instead of Messy Church, will be held at Methodist church.
Katie needs to have access to calendar.
May need to cancel Warm Space on 15th Feb because of a funeral, unless we can move funeral later. Katie to let Billie asap.
Refresh meeting yesterday went well. We will set a theme for first 6 months: People who met Jesus. Gary & Stephen to sort readings. Alison & Billie to sort drama. Drew, Mike & Linda to sort music, Alison to buy 2 copies of music book and CD for Refresh/Drew. We can then present a clear outline of plans for consideration. We will move side chairs to be at angle to create a slight curve in the overall layout.
Could Mike put bolt on door into small Sunday school room? This would prevent children going in and playing unsupervised which sometimes happens when the church hall is used during the week.
Closed with prayer.
Ministry Team 30.01.23
Present: Katie, Drew, Gary, Billie, Lene, Lawrence, Carol, Ian
Apologies: Lyndsay, Stephen
Next week
- Warm Space
- Kintsugi
- St B Stephen
- St J Stephen
- St B w Christingle Katie/Stephen
- St J Drew
- Planning meeting after church for Refresh
- St J Messy Church Gary
St M: possible to have a benefice service celebrating new benefice with Bishop? Drew to talk to +Gavin’s PA
Benefice treasurer’s meeting would be efficient, Lawrence to arrange. Drew to give Ray and Carolyn’s contact details to Lawrence.
Gary to attend St M at Easter and Harvest time, also 23rd Dec
Katie going to be officially installed as Chaplain to ATC 2nd February
Note: when welcoming people who are online say worshipping not watching.
Hopeful that we have achieved Silver Eco Church.
Closed with prayer
Ministry meeting 23.01.23
Present: Lyndsay, Katie, Drew, Billie, Ian, Carol, Gary
Apologies: Stephen
Opened in prayer
Thanks for support with Fresh meeting, great that so many people came. Need to set out a provisional exemplar to give people an idea of what it will entail, not set in stone, more ideas may come from next meeting and prayer. A new outreach, testing if it’s right. Prayer ministry needs to be low key, short; full-on could be off putting. Prayer for everyday issues can be modelled in service. Lyndsay asked for a list of potential attendees so that we could pray for them, but first names only (GDPR). All of us to be inviting people, not just Gary! Launch is 21st May, Lyndsay to lead another prayer session for whole congregation so they can identify someone they can invite.
Lyndsay’s prayer activity on Sunday worked well, a buzz around.
Ecumenical service had sense of peace and unity. Intention to have a prayer walk, with all churches represented, round the new estate on 30th April on Sunday afternoon. Bless the new roads? Drew to contact builders.
Same sex blessing –February synod will consider this, Drew thinks they will probably go for blessing rather than change liturgy for marriage. Do congregation need a safe space for people to talk this through? Need to pray about how we can do this, or keep it informal? People haven’t been allowed to explore this in the past, encourage people to have a voice. +Stephen preaching on this on Saturday evening in Christ Church.
This week:
- Mid weeks:
- Warm Space
- CCC lunch club (5 attendance)
- Funeral (Katie)
- St B: Drew/Billie
- St J: Drew/Billie
- Sunday:
- St B: Drew/Katie
- St J: Billie/Katie
Gateway & Edith Moorhouse want to come to St J for Easter services. CCC want to come for a valedictory service, TBA.
Burn’s Night have 80 booked in.
Evening before Mothering Sunday, open up church for reflective space? Here or ecumenical? Saturday 18th. Candles, prayer tree. Katie preaching on 19th and could incorporate prayers into service. Katie happy to organise. Reaching out to women who have lost children, can’t have children, have lost their mother, struggling with being a mother, are pregnant.
Social media team meeting 6th February.
Pastoral team to meet 13th March.
Lyndsay: Created Creative to be renamed (can’t use charity name), training on Tuesday. Lyndsay organising a Fire Training session, also need to have adult safeguarding book for all volunteers (includes pastoral care team). Must also do online training. She is making more prayer boxes.
Closed in prayer
Ministry meeting 16.01.23
Present: Carol, Gary, Katie, Drew, Billie, Stephen
Apologies: Lyndsay
(Chris has left St J to work at Witney Community Church)
Vision meeting: positive, enthusiasm, drinks on arrival, food after, team meeting after service on Sunday. Need to put it on social media today for people who might have missed meeting.
Sunday @ 7: some enthusiasm for this but who can lead it? No real enthusiasm from other Carterton clergy. Need a volunteer to take this on.
Funerals (don’t forget the prayer shawls):
- Sean Geretty -Carol
- Maureen Evans – Katie
- Barbara Furnival – Drew
- Donald McCracken – Stephen
- Frank Love – Katie
This week:
Wednesday: St B Stephen
Thursday: St J Stephen
St B Stephen
St J Billie/Carol
St M Stephen
Christian Unity 4pm at St Joseph’s Ecumenical service/prayer meeting
Gary: CCC (may not be able to continue with Chris leaving, but will continue to half term). Good links with schools.
Stephen: INSPIRE needs more volunteers, ask in person. Group music items for Easter? On Good Friday & Easter, Drew to email Linda. Also have a Taizé service.
Warm Space: should it continue as meeting a need for social interaction? End at end of March. Would need more volunteers. Could be beginning of a new home group? Gary to check if schools need church for assemblies.
Benefice: make 5th Sundays a Benefice service? April 30th, July 30th, October 29th Do as a café style service?
Prayer time/open mic proves valuable, engages congregation, but usually only at morning worship. Do it in intercessions for communion services? Plan a meeting with intercessors to discuss.
Ministry Meetings: can we consider changing time if Lyndsay can’t make mornings? Please let Billie know times we can manage.
Closed in prayer
Ministry & Warden’s meeting 03.01.23
Present: Gary, Carol, Lene, Lawrence, Allister, Lyndsay, Drew, Billie
Apologies: Alison, Phil, Rossie, Katie, Stephen
Began with Bible reading (Isa 13), reflection, prayers
This week:
Drew on retreat 6th – 11th
Wednesday 4th
- Warm Space
- St B: Stephen
Thursday 5th
ST J: Stephen
Sunday 8th
- 8a.m. cancelled
- St B: Stephen
- St J: Gary
- St J: Baptism Katie
- St M: Stephen
15th: Vision meeting after morning service – please advertise in all churches, ReFresh possibly on 3rd Sundays?
Meetings with Carterton ministers: on 4pm 22nd an ecumenical prayer meeting/serviced at St Joseph’s Catholic church in week of Christian Unity. Sunday 30th April, perhaps have a prayer walk on the new estate, would pray about this on 22nd.
Sunday @ 7: When should this be? Ecumenical focus would be that we invite others to this. Need someone to take a lead on this. Should we focus our energy on other areas? Outreach? Meeting community needs? Revisit after Vision meeting.
Created Creative starting in March, a monthly meeting. Quiet with prayer for hour/hour and a half. Theme inspired, using scripture and prayer, then silence to allow Spirit to lead you to create – mixed media. At end, participants encouraged to share what they’ve done and how they felt Spirit leading them.
- St M: 2nd April Gary could run a service Palm Service, perhaps with Easter Egg hunt
- St M: 15th October: he could run a Harvest service
- Lene & Lawrence to discuss at PCC and confirm with Gary
- Informal service is on Easter Day, could combine with communion? Keep it very informal but would have to include Eucharistic prayer. Gary and Drew to meet to plan this. Would also have an 8am formal communion. Could children receive communion? PCC need to be give permission (but children should have some instruction). Billie to ask Linda to put on PCC agenda.
- Can we offer gluten free bread and alcohol-free wine as standard? Provide as standard. Put info in notices and notice sheet. Billie to liaise with Linda. Billie to investigate sourcing gluten-free/dairy-free wafers/bread.
St M: is there a benefice administrator? No! Lene to please continue being first point of contact. Wedding on 20th May. Heating installed. Applying for faculty for kitchen and loo, working with architect for plans, using a sustainable trench arch system. Quotes would be separate for loo and kitchen, so will be asking for support for the loo from the town council/RAF base.
- Ian accompanying Carol on visits.
- Pastoral Care Team meeting on 9th
Allister – do we need to replace water pourer which is chipped? It doesn’t need to be ‘fancy’.
Closed with prayer
Ministry meeting 12.12.22
Present: Katie, Drew, Carol, Billie (Gary arrived 10.15)
Apologies: Lyndsay, Gary, Chris
Opened in prayer.
Gary went to Gateway school, saw whole school.
Yesterday: No-rehearsal nativity successful, children behaved well, Katie and Drew did the other 3 services, got colder as the morning went on!
This week:
- Today: Social media meeting Billie/Wendy
- Tuesday/Wednesday after school film nights.
- Wednesday BNDrew/Billie
- Wednesday: Warm Space/Inspire
- Gary busy with schools: CPS, BN, St J’s school, CCC
- Thursday St J Drew/Billie
- Friday: BB carol service, Gary leading
- Saturday: 2.30-5.30 BN Christingle craft/service
- Sunday: BN Drew; St J Carol/Stephen
- Carol services: Billie (St J) Katie (BN)
Christmas Eve/Day
- Crib service
- BB: earlier service w Mark or Ron/Jeremy
- BN: Sue Spankey
- St J: Katie/Drew, morning 10 a.m. Katie/Drew
Drew on retreat 6th – 11th January
Should we charge for heating for baptisms? Keep as donations but emphasise running costs.
May 19th – 23rd weekend away for deanery synod members for National Deaneries Conference. Carol will attend, Ben (BN) Simon (BB).
No ministry meeting next week.
Closed in prayer
Ministry & Wardens’ meeting 05.12.22
Present: Rossie, Katie, Carol, Stephen, Lene, Alison, Allister, Phil, Billie, Drew
Apologies: Lyndsay, Gary, Lawrence
Opened with prayer
BB now officially part of the benefice: Brize Norton with Carterton and Black Bourton 😊
All went well yesterday.
Next week
- Tuesday: meeting with all Carterton ministers, considering Sunday @ 7, pioneer ministry e.g. prayer walks
- Midweeks: Stephen
- Wednesday: Warm Space/Kintsugi
- Thursday: meeting with funeral directors, 7.30pm St Joseph’s evening talk on Gospels by Richard Nagorski.
- Saturday: Family Breakfast
- Sunday:
- 8am Drew/Katie
- 9.15 Drew/Katie
- 10.30 Gary
- 11.00 Drew/Katie
BB: carol service on 16th, Gary leading. Heating is in and wired up. Christmas Bazaar raised £950.
St J: only 2 trays and had more people than trays, suggest do alternate people and take in empties at the same time , or get another tray, or have empty glasses on a table. Boiler playing up, engineer coming in to check. Warm space: try to keep side doors shut and people coming from main entrance. Carol going to bring in free standing nativity. Large nativity poster to be displayed, checking with Mike about where to put it.
BN: school coming in for a carol service, in the evening. Gary leading. New head, Ms Jones, very supportive. Carol service on 18th in hand. In contact with Sue Spankey, planning midnight mass. Longest Night service on 21st. Epiphany Lunch 7th January at Epiphany Lunch, see Rossie if interested. Carolyn raised £95 at Christmas Market for church funds. Carol singing on 19th, 6pm, starting at Elderbank Hall.
Closed with prayer.
Ministry meeting 28.11.22
Present: Carol, Gary, Katie, Chris, Billie, Drew, Lyndsay
Apologies: Stephen
Opened in prayer
Services in BN (20 people) and SJ went well, inc C & I renewal of vows & baptism
Next week:
- Wednesday
- Warm Space/Kintsugi
- BN Drew/Billie
- Thursday:
- SJ: Drew/Billie
- Graham Evans’ funeral (he & Pauline were founding members of Save the Children)
- Deanery chapter here
- Sunday:
- BN Stephen
- SJ: Drew/Lyndsay
- 1230 baptism Katie
- Messy church Christingle, expecting 70+ Gary
- Friday:
- Burial
- Open Church/Carterton Lights (ministry team to mingle in church if possible)
CCC lunch club: 9 children came, feedback: it’s boring, needs to be more interactive, more activities. Possibly free pizza?! But 3 came without wanting pizza 😊
Chris has started in Witney at St Mary’s, going well. Supervision meeting needed.
Ian to be included in emails from now on, inc PCC notes.
Katie going on training on preaching the lectionary. Katie will be careful to not take on too much because of her pregnancy.
Lyndsay continuing to meet with Janette re prayer. There is a group of 8 people meeting, aiming to develop this ministry. Possibly introduce into informal service sometime later next year, but no time pressure!
Created Creative: Jackie Long & Mary Grace have volunteered to support Lyndsay on this. This is monthly, means facilitating a quiet space with a range of art mediums. Prayer based, allowing Holy Spirit to lead. Read scriptures on the chosen theme. Participants open to Spirit. If anyone needs to talk, can talk to one of the leaders (initially this would be Lyndsay). After one hour people can show their work, if they want, and talk through what was going through their minds, take work home to focus on being open to the Spirit. End in prayer. Planning and prayer meetings on this. Thinking to launch next year. Lyndsay working with charity to set this up. Drew mentioned Jan as a possible volunteer.
Closed in prayer
Ministry meeting 21.11.22
Present: Lyndsay, Katie, Stephen, Gary, Billie, Drew, Carol, Chris
Seeker service: thank you Stephen for circulating an outline of how it could work. Possible name: ReFresh. Could run it for a 4 month trial period. Needs enough helpers. Wendy has volunteered to help with children’s ministry. Who is a seeker? Fringe or completely unchurched? Accessibility if totally unchurched if overtly Christian? Are we looking for transfer from Messy Church or the unchurched? Potential that those MC families may bring other families. Aim to draw in the fringe members. Linda has a list of baptism families who have given GDPR permission to be contacted. Example prayers: use small groups to nominate prayer topic, post its on the cross, trying to involve people. Will need lot of personnel helping, would aim for it to be weekly but too much, so do it monthly? 4pm, third Sunday in month? Follow it with a further course such as Christianity Explored? Would also be opportunity for questions at end of service.
Discuss in January at Vision Meeting, then meet with team of volunteers to pray. Possibly start after Easter? 21st May is third Sunday. Ask congregation to pray and invite people too. Stephen/Drew to lead.
This week
- 7pm Baptism information meeting (Drew/Billie)
- Midweeks: Stephen leading/Carol preaching
- Warm Space: soup lunch went well, only 5 for soup, couple of people cam off street, need board outside? Billie to ask Liz what’s happening with central list of all the Warm Spaces. Put on Oxford Mail as a press release. Ask congregation to invite, Billie to create invitations. Supermarkets didn’t give much (Morrisons gave some out of date bread) but will try again this week. Received significant donations.
- Inspire
- Kintsugi week 4
- Sunday 28th: Billie leading, Drew preaching, Carol & Ian renewal of vows
- 1230 baptism
- Service of Light cancelled
- 1st December 12 noon Graham Evans’ funeral
- 2nd December 10.30 Black Bourton cemetery for burial
- Carterton lights switch on, Billie to check are Lynne & Steve running this? Liz with activities? Can clergy be circulating in hall? Billie to put on social media.
- 4th December: Drew w Lyndsay preaching
Rota for January – March sent out, can everyone please check?
Chris to check what’s available to use for youth club for putting a proposal together. Currently in Carol’s garage. Chris & Drew to meet about next steps.
Carterton Ministers’ meeting: Sunday @ 7 to be discussed further on 6th December. Also talked about prayer walks and pioneer ministry.
Ministry meeting 14.11.22
Present: Stephen, Katie, Gary, Billie, Drew, Chris, Carol
Apologies: Lyndsay
Meeting opened with prayer
Remembrance: BN 27 people in church, 3-4 people joined after. Representative from 99 Squadron. Numbers down.
SJ: 90 adults, 60+ children. Numbers down in church but usual at war memorial. Service finished slightly earlier than normal. Feedback: prayers needed that were more accessible to non-churchgoers. Gary offered to look into this, Stephen noted that there were alternatives available online.
Chris: has been at conference, looking at Trinity, mission, bible study. Still expecting to be working in Witney with Laverne 2 days a week. Drew has now had training as a supervisor for Reign Ministries.
This week:
- Katie on a retreat this week near Dorchester.
- SB: Drew
- SJ: Drew
- Warm space starting this week, Billie to set up a rota for volunteers (people may feel more comfortable as volunteers)
- Kintsugi, session 3
- Prayer meeting at SB, 1.30. Drew, Billie, Carol, Katie & Stephen unavailable!
- 9.15 Drew
- 10.30 Katie/Drew/kid’s club
- 12.30 Baptism
Seeker service: Wendy happy to help children’s ministry when we run new services. Gary to train her. Meeting scheduled for 15.01.23. Need to choose a name. Possible layout: modelling worship but in an accessible way, carefully chosen songs (sing or listen) rationale being to make people used to church worship, or discussion groups on values/themes. Stephen to send outline of service approach.
Gary left meeting
Bishop Steven’s essay: seminar on today at Cuddeston (Drew & Katie attending). We want to continue as a team, modelling Christian love. Both perspectives (liberal & traditional) available via our website.
Alison is taking over as Safeguarding Officer until April.
Meeting closed in prayer
07.11.22 Ministry meeting
Present: Drew, Ian, Carol, Lawrence, Allister, Gary, Katie, Lyndsay, Billie, Lene, Stephen, Rossi
Apologies: Chris, Phil
Thurs 10th 4.30 rehearsal for Sunday (Drew)
Friday 11th:
- BN: Gary w school input
- St J: Katie, check w Stephen and Katie Zazada, at memorial – prayer at end
Remembrance Sunday:
- 8 am BCP communion – Drew
- St J: Drew & Rebecca (RAF) Linda taking bookings, but not many come in yet, Billie to advertise on social media
- BN: Stephen
- BB: Jeremy
- BN Stephen
- St J Stephen
- Inspire, kid’s clubs, bible studies inc men’s and at BB, funeral at BB (Stephen),
- Drew has telephone conversation booked with archdeacon tomorrow
- Drew doing Reign ministry supervisor induction, Chris probably going to have some training in Witney
- Katie teaching cadets for first time, about remembrance. Has now got a green card to get on base.
Service of Light w Advent carols at BB on 27th can’t happen coz of builder’s works, so will be at St Britius
Monday 5th December Edith Moorhouse 100 kids coming, so ministry meeting not in church. Venue TBA.
Messy Church – Messy Church community stepped up to help someone in need, becoming a church family.
Prayer: Lyndsay taking a lead on prayer but not on rota yet cos still in recovery. Has produced prayer boxes for adults and families. Also looking at prayer through creative activity. Prayer ministry team training and St J service. Would love to come to BB and BN (once she feels stronger) to help get people more confident in praying out loud, if anyone is interested from BB/BN to contact Lyndsay.
Carol and Ian left the meeting.
BB 1130pm service on 24th will be either Mark Thomas or Ron Lloyd/Jeremy Lane have changed to 10pm from feedback that 1130 is too late. Gary working with village to lead Christmas carols on December 16th .
BB can (father’s) headstone be removed from churchyard to put in mother’s ashes then have a completely new headstone. Will probably need a faculty and an application as if new headstone. Contact diocesan registrar/legal department at diocese. Clarify ownership of the headstone. Drew will ask archdeacon. Lene to talk to Phil.
Bishop Steven’s essay: Rossi, Lyndsay, Lene have borrowed a copy. Gary questioned if Bishop Steven has broken his vow by going against church doctrine (to clarify: this is not the case). Can same sex couples be joined in marriage if they cannot have children? Church has changed on women priests and on remarriage after divorce. Would this change affect the feeling in the church? In other churches e.g. Methodists, this has caused division. This needs to be talked about more in our own church, we need to create a safe space where people can discuss in love. Our leadership has a wide variety of views which is wonderful because it reflects the variety of views in our congregation. We need to make this clear to our congregation. We love each other, we love our congregation. This is our opportunity to stand for Christ, to model disagreement, love and respect to our congregation. Address this through study sermons? Lead from the front? Need to inform, to bring people up to speed, before synod meeting in February. In BN could discuss after church. In BB, need consider how will it impact on congregations’ lives, see it from individual’s perspectives. Benefice offers a range of options, one church may offer a parishioner a place where they feel more comfortable, but we have a policy of ministers working across all three churches to avoid any division, goes against working as a team. Need to pray about how we will do this. Following Drew’s sermon where he made his position clear, could Stephen give a sermon with a different view but making it clear that a) it’s OK to disagree but we still love each other, and b) not going to bombard you with this, just this range of viewpoints and c) this may be discussed at synod in February. Need to take history of St J’s teachings into account. Need to love each other equally. Need to be aware of danger of media misinformation, social media, rumour. Perhaps a joint ministry letter to put it in black and white. Katie suggested that there also needs to be evidence-based clarity on sexuality.
General: Advent candles, order purple/pink/white. Allister to let Ray know.
31.10.22 Ministry team meeting
Present: Drew, Carol, Katie, Chris, Stephen, Gary, Billie, Lyndsay
Carol has got her license; Stephen has got his PTO. Lyndsay suggested we all attend Chrism Mass on Maundy Thursday
Bereavement service went well, pastoral visit from new family requested
This week
Today: Light party, Gary
Tuesday: Carterton ministers’ meeting, 11a.m., 8 Trefoil Way, will cover Sunday @ 7 (so far feeling is that service should be held at each other’s churches, not just at St J.) Drew attending.
Midweeks: Drew
Assembly: Drew, KS 1, Gary at Edith Moorhouse at same time.
Thursday at BN, all encouraged to come to watch fireworks, soup served at Humble Bumble in aid of church, 5.30pm onwards.
Saturday: Children’s Society coffee morning
Sunday: BN Drew, St J Drew & Katie, Messy Church Gary
Remembrance Sunday: starts 9.45, Gary has 7 min talk, exact!
Youth Work: Chris’ training: Reign are working on placement. Conference coming up next week, Wednesday CCC meetings, Carol will make pizzas for CCC, Gary to collect at 12.15. Helping Gary on Tues/Wed. Zoom meeting with Emmie about different options. Chris thinking about exploring other ideas to make connections e.g. social events, youth club, link with current groups. We have table football & pool table stored in Carol’s garage. Need to put together a proposal: time, date, check what’s available, check what might be needed (financially, helpers).
Prayer Ministry: Lyndsay would offer training. Start with meeting to pray, hopes fellowship would lead to bible study, would lead to agreeing some ground rules with written guidance e.g where to lay hands on, safeguarding issues. Long term: aim to take them to Harnhill Centre later on. Would need DBS checks and risk assessment.
Prayer Boxes: resource box to encourage prayer, if you are a visual prayer this can help. Lyndsay has made 20 boxes for adults and 20 boxes for families with activities in it. Will launch in New Year, to take for yourself or take on for someone you know. Made prayerfully during her time of recuperation.
Lyndsay had first prayer meeting before service on Sunday, wants it to be visible, will be at the back of the church hall, hope others will join.
Midweek services: present with a sequence of readings rather than the lectionary. Advent and Epiphany will be fine. Then follow a pattern, such as the course we did on Hebrews. Ideas/suggestions needed.
Katie has trained Alison as sacristan but need another volunteer, especially for Thursdays. Drew to ask on Thursday for volunteer.
Warm Space: setting up in the church, 2 dates will clash with Gary’s activities. Set out 4 big square tables to church side. If people come at beginning at 10.30, people can sit and watch! Helpers: Jackie, Carol, Billie, Sandie, Chris, Wendy. Need to ask for more helpers. Billie to ask Mary Grace. Billie to send email out to all.
Kid’s Club on 3rd Sundays: planning to carry on, currently low numbers but we need to offer to get people to come along.
Kintsugi: starting on Wednesday.
Alison Brown exploring her vocation.
Katie to do funeral ministry course on Saturday.
Gary doing carol service at BB on December 16th with village association
Meeting closed with prayer.
24.10.22 Ministry team meeting
Present: Carol, Katie, Gary, Billie, Drew, Stephen, Lyndsay
Apologies: Chris,
Next week: half term, no school assemblies
- Midweeks: Stephen
- St Britius: Drew/Katie
- St John’s: Carol/Billie
- Baptism 1230 St John’s
- 4pm Bereavement service: need to produce a booklet, Katie leading this. Linda needs music, Drew to contact her.
Soup lunch: £50 anonymous donation received. Will be in church cos cheaper to heat. Billie to block out calendar. Sandie, Wendy, Chris, Jackie, Billie, Carol volunteered. Chris, Billie and Jackie to do kitchen training. 16th & 7th December, may need to juggle around Gary who has church booked first thing.
CCC: will provide pizza, Carol, Chris & Gary to liaise between themselves on practicalities. Chris doing well.
Sunday @ 7: Phil emailed, he wants this to continue, but needs other churches to join in with organisation, if to be ecumenical. Linda has sent lovely reply explaining ministry team is stretched. Relaunching in January, should we be planning now? But who should take it on? Should we be focusing on seeker service? Carol offered to take it on for 4 months, to write to each church and ask what they feel. If there’s little interest from other churches, consider if this is it what God wants, or we want.
Hold an ecumenical New Year’s Eve prayer service? Ask what leaders feel? Is outreach more important than having services?
Brize Meadow estate: how are we going to evangelise? We have some baptisms and potentially a wedding from there. Hold an ecumenical event? Carol singing? Prayer walk?
Carterton minister’s meetings: happen occasionally but people’s dates keep clashing.
Barn Dance 4th March: caller and band booked, Ian & Sharon have agreed to organise catering.
Communication: need to set up a committee? Katie hasn’t decided whether she can take on leadership but could be involved. Billie to print off hard copy of this ‘Background’ sheet to put up on the notice sheet. This way of communicating is an experiment, let’s see if it is seen as positive or negative. Carol to flag up hard copy on noticeboard at beginning of service.
Carol has got her LLM licence, Stephen still waiting for PTO. Drew to chase. Chris may train (part time) for year 1 in Witney, Reign organising, as well as here. Following that, there will be children graduating from Gary’s groups to youth groups.
Linda Cox requested leaders attend music practice to ensure they’re happy with music din a service they’re leading.
Ministry team spent time in prayer, for parishioners and for guidance.
Clergy meeting 17.10.22
Present: Carol, Gary, Katie, Chris, Gary, Drew, Billie, Stephen, Lyndsay
Apologies: Ian (returning home on Thursday 😊)
Vision meeting: held yesterday, 30 people stayed, lots of questions. Willing to investigate further, encouraging. Stephen spoke about seeker service, 5 people said definite wanted to be involved: Jackie L, Jackie T, Alison, Michele, Lyn Boulter. Possibly have a 6 month trial starting in May. Feeling that we need to have more meetings more regularly. Next January 15th with a focused proposal. Gary will ask Linda to send an email out to let people know, and ask her to invite people from St B and St M as well. Lyndsay will produce draft of prayer cards with 2 sides, one about the seeker service and 1 side blank for own comments, to give out next week.
Communication needs to improve. Put in notices at the front? Should we be spoon-fed? Or is it the culture we live in?
Prayer: Lyndsay to take a lead in encouraging people to pray, not to do it all by herself. Lyndsay to meet with Drew on Tuesday 25th @ 9.30 a.m. to talk about her role, highlighted that she must not do too much and only mornings.
Social: Possibility to hold a barn dance in the spring. Gary to explore with Jackie.
Youth work: Chris working as a trainee youth leader, working at CCC, but could also be at Cogges church. Waiting for supervisor at Reign Ministry to confirm this is OK. This will give Chris experience with established youth group. Next year there will be our home-grown group, as children come up from Gary’s groups. Drew to talk to Reign supervisor. Chris attending weekly cluster meetings with other trainees. CCC: small group of 4, reducing to 3, then 2, all friends together. Gary talking about self-image, Chris aiming to take over. What material to use? Short lunch break and students need to eat first so only around 25-30 minutes at most, consider providing pizza? Chris to talk to Gary. Carol could cook and bring in. Maybe, in the future, run a course after school if there was interest.
Warm Space: PCC meeting on 17th to discuss Warm Space so Carol and Billie can feed back to Town and Carterton groups. Include soup lunch? Already have volunteers: Jackie, Billie, Carol, Chris. If PCC will agree, will move ahead asap, Billie to type up a proposal.
27th November, Advent Sunday, Carol & Ian’s 1st wedding anniversary. To renew vows and have a blessing. Billie will lead the service instead of Carol.
General: Stephen still hasn’t got PTO. Carol still hasn’t got her license. She has mentioned this to bishop. Need to appoint a sacristan as churchwardens currently need be checking everything is ready. Katie will show Alison where everything is kept. Billie will ask for volunteers in service.