What’s on in June
1st: Repair Café (10.00am-12.30pm) 5th: Coffee, Cake & Chat (10.00am-11.30am) 8th: Church Family Breakfast (8.30am) 9th: Morning Worship Service will include a dedication of the new Royal British Legion Standard […]
From the diocese: A new Climate Equality report released by Oxfam reveals that the richest 1% of the world’s population produced as much carbon pollution in 2019, as the five billion people who […]
Thank you for recycling your cartridges with us. Our contribution has helped the Recycle4Charity group to keep 385075 Kg of ink cartridges out of landfill sites. Your ink cartridges have […]
We have been working on getting the message out there and improving our environmental credentials. The result is that we have now been awarded Silver Eco Church status. This is […]
Don’t forget Warm Space with refreshments and a soup lunch every Wednesday 10.30am – 1.30pm, everyone welcome! 8th: Men’s Bible Study Group @ 27 Scholars Acre (7.30pm) 8th: INSPIRE (2.00 […]
The Diocese of Oxford has been awarded the A Rocha Bronze Eco Diocese status in recognition of its commitment to good environmental and ethical stewardship. As part of a six-point environmental strategy, the […]