St John’s, Carterton, Volunteer Car Scheme

I am hoping to set up a car scheme to help those with no transport or unable to use public transport, to take them to Drs, Hospital, Dental appointments or shopping etc, that otherwise prove difficult to arrange.

It works best if there are about 7-10 volunteers with a car and time to be available to do a pick up and return occasionally. The more drivers on the list the less times they will be required.

Most car insurances cover this sort of help so no increase on costs, but you will need to do an enhanced DBS check on line.

We can charge 45ppm with no other cost to the passenger, just to cover petrol and use, but it’s at the driver’s discretion, although I have found passengers want to pay their way, so that they can feel they can use the scheme whenever needed.

I ran a similar scheme from my previous Parrish.

As well as Drivers, it would be great to have someone who would be pleased to take calls and arrange for one of the drivers to pick up at the necessary times. This could be a great way for one person who is rather housebound but wants to be useful to the Church community.

If interested, please contact Carol Howard either personally, or 07990797288, or to find out more.

Many thanks

Carol x

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