Thought for the day
An Advent reflection for the Fourth Sunday It’s the Fourth Sunday of Advent, and it might just feel like everything is about ready for Christmas, but in fact the story […]
An Advent reflection for the Fourth Sunday It’s the Fourth Sunday of Advent, and it might just feel like everything is about ready for Christmas, but in fact the story […]
After discussions at Deanery level and in view of the current surge in virus cases and Oxfordshire’s move into Tier 4 restrictions, we have reluctantly decided to suspend services and/or […]
We often think of comfort as something soft and soothing, like a big hug. But to comfort someone is not simply to wrap them up in cotton wool and tenderness. […] Everyone is encouraged to have a box, if you don’t have one and would like one, please call Linda Cox 841069, who will be delighted to supply one for […]
The churchwardens for St John’s (Allister Holt and Alison Brown) and St Britius (Dr Phil Holmes) were sworn in at an evening service in St Britius. This was the last […]
Following the Government’s announcement, we will be back to online services until at least the beginning of December. Look under the Worship heading to watch services. The ministry team are, […]
LIGHT UP CARTERTON. Make a Lantern Sadly, the parade is no longer taking place. GOOD NEWS: we have put together some simple lantern making kits so that families can […]
The Rt Rev Olivia Graham, the Bishop of Reading, has produced four short films about the environment and how we understand our relationship to the created world. Each film introduces […]
Some ladies from St John’s joined a knitting group and committed to prayerfully knit shawls, scarves and rugs to give as gifts to anyone who needed to feel God’s loving […]
Thank you to everyone who has been saving their change in the Children’s Society collection boxes provided by Linda. Linda will collecting these in during March and April next year. […]