At the moment, the only priest available to celebrate communions, baptisms and weddings is Drew, with Ian working part time, so we’ve worked out a new pattern of services.
For St John’s, what you need to know:
There will be only one Thursday morning communion per month (third week in the month)
There will be no 8 a.m. BCP communion
The 1st and 5th Sundays of the month will be a joint Benefice communion at 10.30 at one of the three churches.
Sunday 30th July will be a joint Benefice Holy Communion service at St Britius, Brize Norton. If you need a lift/dropping at the door of the church, please contact Carol on 07990 797288. Please come along and support us; we want all three congregations to join together. Though we are many, we are one body, because we all share in one bread.
Everything else continues as normal: Sunday services will be at 10.30 as usual and we continue with Messy Church and the Lighthouse services too.
For July, our services will be:
Sunday July 2nd – Joint Benefice Hoy Communion 10.30am St. Mary’s Church, Black Bourton, 4pm Messy Church St. John’s
Sunday July 9th – 9.15am HC St. Britius; 10.30am Informal Worship, St. John’s; 11am HC St. Mary’s
Sunday 16th July – 9.15am BCP Matins, St Britius; 10.30am Holy Communion St. John’s; 4pm Lighthouse
Wednesday 19th – 7pm HC St. Britius
Thursday 20th – 10.30am Holy Communion St. John’s
Sunday 23rd – 9.15am HC St. Britius; 10.30am Morning Worship, St John’s; 6pm ES BCP St. Mary’s
Sunday 30th – Joint Benefice Holy Communion 10.30am HC St. Britius Church, Brize Norton