Living in Love and Faith – an update from the Team Rector

Dear Church Family,

Last week the Church of England’s General Synod approved proposals for the blessing of same sex marriages and civil partnerships. Together with my Ministry Team colleagues I understand that whilst some of us are delighted with this development, others in our Church family are deeply upset by it.

The PCCs of all three Churches in our Benefice have agreed that these services can take place at our Churches, supported by those who are comfortable with this provision. Importantly though, no one, lay or ordained, will be asked to participate against their conscience.

Steven Croft, Bishop of Oxford, said in the General Synod debate: “My vision for the Diocese of Oxford is that we will be a diocese where all are affirmed and cherished, where same sex relationships can be celebrated and those who hold the traditional view are honoured and respected.”

I share the bishop’s hope, but for this to happen we will all need to be prayerful, patient and kind to those who disagree with us and sensitive to the fact that many people among us are personally affected. I am happy to facilitate group discussions if these would be helpful and of course you can approach any member of the Ministry Team for confidential support and a listening ear.

Yours in Christ,

Rev Drew Tweedy, Team Rector

14th February 2023

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