Community Involvement
These organisations receive regular financial and/or practical support:

Thank you everyone. So far £510 has been donated for the Ukraine appeal, maybe more from the card reader. This will be passed on to the DEC appeal.
Christians Against Poverty is supported by St John’s financially, and through the local Centre in Witney. If you need help with debt please phone the main switchboard (0800 328 0006) to make an appointment.
Kintsugi Hope is a charity based in the UK striving to make a difference to peoples mental wellbeing of varying age groups and different backgrounds. St John’s supports this financially and also runs Kintsugi Hope Groups which provide a safe and supportive space for people providing tools for self-management, allowing participants to accept themselves, to understand their value and worth, and grow towards a more resilient and hopeful future.
The Childrens’ Society via individual collection boxes and the annual Christingle service. Everyone is encouraged to have a box, if you don’t have one and would like one, please speak to Linda Cox, who will be delighted to supply one for you. We have 95 box holders at the moment, let’s aim for 100! Our box opening month has moved from Oct to Mar which will be from 2021. These are valuable funds for the work of The Children’s Society, working for the benefit of children and young people in this country.
Tear Fund for relief work abroad
Oxford Gatehouse Project which cares for homeless people in the City. We support them financially and also collect personal care products, hats, scarves and gloves for Gatehouse.
The Besom in Witney – supporting local families in emergency need. We have an ongoing collection point for Besom for non-perishable food items (please first check the “best before dates” on the products), household cleaning products and toiletries. Please note that we are not able to pass on items of clothing. You are welcome to leave gifts in the Foyer whenever the building is open. Thank you.
Warm Space this initiative to provide free refreshments and a soup lunch is supported by the church, by donations from the congregation and from people attending.