Dates for September
4th Family Fun Afternoon (4-6 pm) in the church and rectory garden
10th Ladies’ Breakfast 8.30am, speaker Rev Margaret Dixon
10th Ride & Stride: more info at Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust website or ask Ray
12th PCC Meeting on zoom, 7.30pm
14th INSPIRE Afternoon (2-4pm)
14th Men’s Bible Study: 7.30pm, 29 Scholars Acre
Monthly Prayer Meeting: Wednesday, 21st (1.30pm @ St Mary’s)
17th Men’s Breakfast 8 for 8.30am
18th Brize Norton ‘Kings and Queens’ Village Bash, a full afternoon of entertainment planned
28th INSPIRE Afternoon (2-4pm)
30th Macmillan Coffee Morning (11am—4pm)
Looking Ahead to October:
1st Harvest Supper, details to come
2nd St Britius Harvest Tea (3.30- 5.30pm) at the Humble Bumble Café.
8th Harvest Flower Festival
9th Harvest Festival Service followed by produce auction