Dates for May
Wednesday 4 May Men’s Bible Study 7.30pm at 29 Scholars Acre
Monday 9 May PCC Meeting
Wednesday 11 May INSPIRE Afternoon 2 to 4pm
Saturday 14 May Ladies’ Breakfast 8.30am with Jackie Long speaking
Wednesday 18 May Benefice Prayer meeting at St Britius 1.30pm
Saturday 21 May Men’s Breakfast (@ 8 for 8.30)
Wednesday 25 May INSPIRE Afternoon 2 to 4pm
Sunday 5 June 6pm Jubilee Benefice Songs of Praise at St Britius
Don’t forget: After school Kids’ Clubs on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Term time Drop-In toddler group on Fridays 9 – 10.30am
Sunday Youth Group: for years 7-13, 4.00 -5.30pm at 53 Bluebell Way.